A Note From Caleb Anderson


The Lord can control a king’s mind as he controls a river; he can direct it as he pleases. Proverbs 21:1

Sunday we talked about how God has designed this universe with an authority structure, in part, to remind us that we are under HIS authority. Don’t fight it. Don’t hate. Don’t hide. Work within it… and work with excellence.

Let’s take a moment to pray…

Pray for the “king,” or influencer, in your life with whom you need to find favor.

Pray for the authority figures in our city.

Pray for the authority figures in our country.

And let’s remember, as we enter this election season, that we as good citizens and children of God—understanding His authority—vote, pray, and then submit to our authorities. We trust that everyone in leadership—no matter how much we disagree with them—is a river that God can control.

And don’t forget this Sunday! Invite someone who could use some practical insight into how to build or redesign their life. Nehemiah will be our guide.


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