A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great kick-off to community nights we had on Tuesday. Way to go to all of you for jumping in. It was an amazing group of people who showed up. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped prepare the campus for our event. And also, thanks to Marc and Vicki Franz for providing us with amazing tri-tip. If you signed up, but were unable to attend, or if you haven’t sign up and want to join us, we look forward to seeing you this Tuesday. I found it very rewarding to explore the series further and drive it home in our lives with discussion. In case you’re wondering what we’ll be eating at our next gathering, it will be food from the taco truck, which is always a hit.

This Sunday, we’ll be continuing our series through Nehemiah. I am really excited about where it will move us as a church, and as individuals. This is a great series and this week we will be looking at what it means to find favor with the King and it may be something different than you think. There are a lot of great things going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills – make sure to scroll down and see all that is happening.



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