A Note From Jeff Pries


We are three weeks into the Nehemiah series where we’ve been talking about finding significance in life. FAVOR WITH KINGS is an amazing story about discovering the dreams we have in life and how to accomplish them. There is nothing better than listening to people share with me their story of what God has put on their hearts, and their desire to follow this dream. My prayer is that God is starting to stir in your heart this quest for fulfillment in life.

Community Nights continue to be a big success. Of course the food has been out of this world, but it has been the community that has really given the night meaning. One of the major values of our church is finding a connection and community with other people and we are certainly finding that on Tuesday nights. It is never too late to jump in if you haven’t been able to make it.
 We have a lot of things happening in the coming month. Don’t forget to scroll down and see all that’s taking place as we move into the holiday season.


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