A Note From Caleb Anderson


The Revolution

Some years ago I was invited to go on a retreat with a dozen younger leaders. There were a few men from a generation above us that wanted to invest in our futures. One of those men was Os Guinness.

Os is a philosopher and author with global influence who follows Jesus. He is also an heir of the Guinness beer family.

One evening on our retreat, Os was speaking and he said something that has stuck with me for the years since.

He was describing his friendship with another guy – a business leader from New York. They had been friends for years and both were committed to their respective missions in the world – leveraging their influence and expertise to make Jesus known in the larger culture.

The two men have committed to meeting together twice a year somewhere in the world – given that the two live in different countries. Whether a restaurant in the states or a pub in Europe, when the two connect they catch up, they share stories, and they always ask each other one question:

“Is the revolution still on?”

This question represents a lot of other questions:

  • Do we still believe in what we’re doing?
  • Is God still in control?
  • Is Jesus still the answer?
  • Are our sacrifices for the cause still worth it?
  • Will we keep going and persevere?

Their answer every meeting so far… YES.

Stay the course.

It’s worth it.

Good wins.

God is love.

Love finds a way.

God is with you.

You’re on a mission from God. His grace is sufficient for you. Stay the course.

The revolution is still on.


P.S.: More FAVOR WITH KINGS resources here.

P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here and give to Mariners HB here.

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