A Note From Caleb Anderson


Reminder from Sunday…

“What good would it be to gain the whole world and yet give up your soul?” —Jesus

Guard against the dangers of success by passing blessings through and empowering capable people to advance the cause.

What will you “pass through” this week?

This Sunday, join us for a very special service as we kick-off the holiday season by considering what it means to CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY. For the past seven weeks we’ve been talking about how to find and live out your purpose—your mission from God. This Sunday will help you think through more next steps and celebrate some of the great things already happening in our community.

I’m excited about this service. Bring someone with you that cares about their community. Service times: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p. (Don’t forget about the time change – we gain an hour!)

See you soon,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Visit our StepInHB.com website and give toward our church’s future!

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