A Note From Caleb Anderson


Ok, this week is a really big deal.

We, as a church—as followers of Jesus—are Christmas experts. Sure, most people like to celebrate. Of course, lots of people gather and give gifts. But what we do is different.

On December 23rd and 24th, our church—and our extended family and friends—will come together over six (6) services to remember, honor, celebrate, and make a big deal about the fact that God came to earth…and he came for us. Not just pastors and priests. Not just really nice people or the religiously impressive… ALL PEOPLE.

So bring your “all people” to hear the Good News. Don’t expect them to come to us. Follow Jesus’ example and go to them. They need your invitation. They want to know you care enough to invite them. Even if you’re out of town, encourage someone else to join us. Forward this email or share our video on Facebook. Your invitation—and your presence—matters.

Christmas Eve service times:

Dec 23: 4, 6p
Dec 24: 12, 2, 4, 6p

All services are the same. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ericka, egoodrich@marinerschurch.org.

May God bless you and the people you love this Christmas Season. See you soon…


P.S.: Give your year-end gifts here.
P.P.S: Listen to and share recent messages here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


The Christmas season is in full swing! (Can you believe only ten more days until Christmas?!:) As we continue to celebrate and enjoy the gift of Christmas with all the parties, lights, trees, food and shopping to find that perfect gift, let’s make sure we take the time to consider… What does God have for us? What might He want for us this Christmas?

This weekend, we’ll remember the gift of Jesus as we continue in our “God With Us” series. Doug Fields will be with us, teaching on the gift of peace. What is peace? Why do we need it in our lives? What would be different if we could embrace and live in the peace that Christmas brings? Invite your friends and family to join us as we pause, take a deep breath together, and remember that this season revolves around the gift of a baby, the gift of Jesus, the gift of God With Us.



P.S. As you’ve been enjoying Christmas with family and friends and all the memories that it stirs, last week at our staff party, I was reminded what a creative and fun team we have! I love that we take Jesus (and not ourselves) seriously and I wanted to share this little inside look at the Christmas season with you.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
-LUKE 2:17-18

I looked at Amanda and said, “Are you going to be able to keep this a secret until Christmas?”

She nodded a silent “yes.” I doubted her resolve. I knew this would be a challenge.

As we have spent the last few weeks listening for the subtle — and not-so-subtle — hints about the things for which our loved ones have been hoping for on Christmas morning, we’ve searched far and wide (i.e.: typed a variety of things into the search bar on Amazon.com) to get it right. Because Christmas is the story of a good father giving good gifts to the ones he loves, we give good gifts to the ones we love too. Sometimes, the gift we give is dead-on, perfect. Before the wrapping paper is in a pile in a living room, before the Duraflame composite log with crackling fire-effect is set ablaze, and before Ralphie punches out Scut Farkas in a torrent of bully-comeuppance, we know that we’ll be witness to a reaction of overflowing enthusiasm about that one thing we got that one person — a gift to supplant all others.

I know Amanda wants to tell our kids what we’ve gotten them. She knows we nailed it. To say that they’re going to be excited, is a gross underestimation of their near nuclear reaction. While not the most extravagant of gifts, to our kids, the presents are brilliant — we know it. Amanda is absolutely certain of it. And… I can tell, she wants to reveal that to them. Her joy is their joy. She has seen something good. She is awaiting the time when someone else for whom that good thing is intended, can share in it, too. She can barely contain it.

The first Christmas is announced to the shepherds as “good news that will bring great joy to all the people.” And, after having seen the subject of that news: a baby in a manger with a name that means “God-rescues,” they can’t contain what they’ve seen and now know. They “spread the word… and all who heard it were amazed.” As we wrap up the Advent series this week with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and look at the fast-approaching Christmas eve services, consider who it is, during this season, who would be “amazed” by an genuine encounter with Jesus and his church at Christmas. People are never more willing to attend church than at Christmas. Generally, they just need someone who understands that the good news of Christmas truly is good news… for ALL the people.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


Great job! More like amazing job! Last Sunday, we packed 30,000 meals to be shipped all the way to Venezuela, helping those who are hungry and in need of food. What a difference you are making in the life of someone in the new year. I love that we are a “difference making” church. We don’t just talk about it, but we lean into things that need to be done and we do it. Way to go.

A few things to know about Christmas weekend…
First of all, Christmas Eve services are at 3 & 5p.  It will be a great service, filled with powerful worship and a message about the hope that good news brings. It is the perfect service to invite family and friends to. Like I said on Sunday, we will not have a service the following day on Sunday (Dec 25). We want you to spend time with your family and friends. We ask so much of our volunteers that I did not want them coming back to serve again the next day and miss Christmas morning with their loved ones. So, our weekend Christmas service is on Christmas Eve.

We look forward to seeing you at church the next two weekends. It is the most wonderful time of the year, and it is always fun celebrating it together!

Merry Christmas,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

Everybody likes the idea of peace, but we’re not really sure how to talk about it or what it means.

“Peace on earth” says the pageant contestant. “Peace in the middle east” says the protestor. “Peace through power” says the politician.

Peace and Christmas go together. The angels spoke of peace when Jesus was born. He was called the Prince of Peace. He talked about peace when he walked the earth. And this Sunday, we’re going to explore peace that’s possible, and how to find it. Join us on Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30a, or 6p.

Join us again for any of our Christmas Eve services:
Dec 23: 4, 6p
Dec 24: 12, 2, 4, 6p

Bring people with you. This Sunday and the 23rd/24th will be important and special hours in your week.

Peace be with you…


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.