Celebrate Differently


As we aim to celebrate differently as a church, we have a beautiful example that God has given us: His son Jesus. He gave His son as a gift because He saw it fit to be an advocate to us when no one else would. And so for that reason, we as the church are committed to stand in the gap for the poor, the marginalized and those who have no advocate.

Click here to find out how you can CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY with us this year.

Christmas Store/Party


Spend the morning at our Christmas store for families in need. Join us to set up, be a store volunteer, wrap gifts, serve food or help make crafts with the kids while their parents shop for gifts. Be a blessing for families in need this season. More info and register here.

Sat, Dec 10, 8a-1p
Kids Worship Center, Port Mariners

Celebrate Differently


During the Christmas season, we celebrate how God saw us when we were far off and sent us the greatest gift; His Son Jesus. This Gift of love compels us to love and care for the poor and marginalized among us. As a church we are committed to caring for the thousands of people in our community experiencing poverty and crisis this season.

Click here to find out how you can CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY with us this year.

CHRISTMAS WISH LIST – take a gift tag from a Christmas tree on the patio
MEAL PACKING EVENT – Sun, Dec 11, after services

JHM Winter Camp


Junior High Ministry is embarking on a high-energy weekend filled with fun games, challenging speakers, and a chance for students to reconnect with God. For more info or to register, click here or search “Winter Camp” on our website.

Fri, Feb 3, – Sun. Feb 5, Thousand Pines Camp, $295

A Note From Jeff Maguire


In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
– Luke 1:26-33

Christmas is an invitation to embrace things neither easily explained nor well understood. It is about wonder, at least at some level. I found a prayer I wrote a few years ago, one I have found to necessitate my own revisiting. Perhaps, if you too are looking to recapture the wonder of Christmas, this prayer might likewise start you on that path.

Father God, Christmas; although marketed, packaged, sanitized, and tamed; is still unmistakably full of wild and bizarre mystery. I’m sure I don’t understand all of what is in the Christmas story: visitations from angels, a star in the heavens, visions, and unexpected pregnancies (one of which is shrouded in a fog of controversy). Help me to embrace what has begun in Jesus at the first Christmas, not in spite of the things I don’t fully understand, but in them, even through them. Lord, bring about wonder from curiosity and hope from mystery. Help me to marvel at all the inexplicable things at Christmas. Might I have the heart of Luke who “carefully investigated everything” – especially the unlikely and beautiful mystery of Christmas. Amen.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


Well December is finally here. I think I heard this somewhere, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”  And you know what? I actually believe it. You will have so much going on this month, and even though it will feel exhausting at times, most of what you do will be fun. I certainly hope you will have Mariners Ocean Hills on your mind as your December calendar fills up.

We have so many great things going on this month, starting with one of my favorite events – our Tree Lighting! The snow has been ordered, dinner is being prepped, the band is practicing and I even heard that the “Wisemen” are making their way to San Juan Capistrano (who needs swallows when you have Wisemen?). We will kick off our series on Christmas (9 & 11a) and then gather for Tree Lighting starting at 4:30p this Sunday. It’s a great opportunity to invite friends and new people – it’s absolutely free and a lot of fun. You won’t want to miss it!

Also, many of you have been asking about our Christmas Eve Services (Sat, Dec 24 @ 3p & 5p).  Each year, we work hard to make this a memorable experience for you, your family and friends. It’s a wonderful time together, and rest assured, you will get Christmas! From the songs, to the stories, the message and the candlelight ending, it will be amazing.

I know many of you are in different stages in your life, relationally.  So if you feel connected with family and friends, I encourage you to invite them into all we are doing. I also know Christmas can be a lonely time so if you don’t feel connected with others right now,  there is no better place to be than with your Church family.  Christmas is the time we should all be together.

The Christmas story is the story of God’s greatest gift to us. It is a season when we think about giving gifts to others. I want you to know that each of you is such an incredible gift to me. I love doing life and ministry with you.

Blessings to you,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him…  Romans 15:13

At Christmastime we hear songs about joy and peace but don’t always experience those things. But our lack of joy or peace is not about our life circumstances. It’s about our choices!

You might not like hearing that at first, but it’s actually GOOD NEWS.

You can choose. It’s up to you.

You can choose joy. You can choose to receive God’s peace. No matter your circumstances, set-backs, or struggles.

It’s possible. It’s real. It’s the good life. And it’s God’s plan for YOUR life.

Join us this Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p) as we talk honestly about Christmas and what it means to hope. Bring someone with you. There are only three Sundays until our six Christmas Eve services. Don’t miss these opportunities to honor and embrace the real Christmas.

God is with us.


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.