A Note From Caleb Anderson


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 
Isaiah 43:19

Welcome to 2017!

It’s a new year. It’s a new day.

God has new things in store for you. I believe He has new things in store for you every day, but in January it seems we pay a little bit better attention.

So PAY ATTENTION! (I’m type-shouting that with a smile.)

2017 will be a year of GREAT changes for our church.

– We will move into our new ministry space at Beach/Warner.
– Our staff will move into offices at Beach/Warner.
– Our staff will grow—you’ll see several new faces over the course of the year.
– New leaders will emerge.
– New projects will take shape.
– Awareness of our work in this community will increase.

And, most importantly, new people will encounter the love and good news of Jesus, while the rest of us take new steps in our own faith journeys.

Fasten your seat belt. Things are going to get even more exciting.

For starters, we’re kicking off a new series this Sunday: SOCIAL RESET. All of life (even all of Scripture) involves relationships—relationship with God or others. So for the months of January and February we’re talking about relationships. We’ll cover things like…

– sex (message rated PG-13)
– identity
– technology
– marriage/dating
– parenting
– friendships

We’ll have special guest appearances, activities on the patio, and challenges for life groups. We’re kicking off 2017 in a big way and we want YOU with us. See you Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p.


PS: Catch up on and share last year’s messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB here.

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