A Note From Jeff Pries


I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.  I loved our Christmas Eve service; it is always one of my favorite things we do (I know, I say that a lot).  This year was our biggest Christmas Eve ever – many of you invited your family and friends. Way to go! And, I want to thank Rob and Lauren for leading the service on New Year’s Day. They did an amazing job and it’s so fun knowing our youth are in such good hands.

This Sunday we will be kicking off a new series, FREEDOM.  Freedom is an interesting word. We feel like we want it, yet we can’t quite define what it is. We are going to see that in life freedom can be a good thing and freedom can be a bad thing. There are good ways we try to find freedom and there are ways that lead us astray. The great news is that God wants you to be free! And we will learn how to find true freedom in life. This is a great series to invite someone you know. It speaks to a need we all have.

Last but not least, it is a new year and with that we will be talking about Rooted. One of our biggest values is that you find community at Mariners Ocean Hills. Rooted is such a great way to find community, understand the vision of our church, and realize your purpose in life. It is an engaging nine-week experience that you won’t soon forget. I look forward to seeing you Sunday. God has a great year in store for us!



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