A Note From Jeff Pries


All through our lives we have those moments when we think to ourselves, “Am I really that stupid?” Unfortunately, those times probably happen more often than we’d like to admit. For instance, last week, I put the trash cans out on the wrong night for the second straight week. Now, that “Am I really that stupid?” moment is an inconvenience, which lends itself to a shake of the head. What about the times we do something far more serious than the wrong trash can night? What about those times when we do something stupid, or out of our character and perhaps we get away with it, but what if we’re not so lucky the next time?

This Sunday, we will be talking about the biggest area of our life that has the potential to take us down some of the darkest, scariest roads possible. And we will see it is a road that leads to a dead end where freedom is lost. So join us in the third week of our FREEDOM series. And don’t forget, chances are you have a friend, neighbor or co-worker that needs to hear this message.

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.

Take care,


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