The clouds of Stormageddon have parted and given way to chilly but beautiful new days in this new year.
Remember, whatever you’re facing, wherever you find yourself, the sun comes up tomorrow. Eventually, the clouds part and give way to light and a fresh new hope for good things to come. Storms come… and storms go. Only our God never changes.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Special Sunday: My longest friend (6th grade) and the City Councilman of Downtown Denver, Albus Brooks, will be with us this Sunday, sharing part of the message with me about FRIENDSHIPS. You’re not going to want to miss this candid conversation about how to have thriving friendships. I’m calling the message, “Friends and Fiction.”
Building Update: Friday, February 3rd, 6-7pm, we’re hosting an informal “Bless the Build-Out” night INSIDE OUR NEW THEATER! Join us for a brief time of celebration and prayer as we get our first look inside the Theater prior to remodel. Then hang around afterwards and have dinner in the shopping center. It will be a great night!
See you soon…
PS: Listen to recent messages here.
PPS: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.