A Note From Jeff Pries


Four months ago you gave towards our Outreach Ministry at the church. You were incredibly generous with your time and money. Over the past four months we have given to: military families, local single teenage moms, 30,000 meals towards hunger relief around the world, and food for the local homeless community, just to name a few.

This Saturday, 30 people are going down to Mexico to change the lives of families there. We will be helping two families move from a tin and cardboard home, sitting on dirt and mud, into a home with a concrete foundation, wood and drywall painted walls, a shingled roof over their heads and electricity. And, they will be connected with the local Church in the area, so they will have on-going care for months and years to come.

We are in a series called Freedom. Freedom comes when people experience love, hope and Jesus in life changing ways. You are helping people experience the freedom that comes from following Jesus. Way to go! And what do we get in return? We get the realization that nothing is more freeing than giving and serving.

See you Sunday, as we continue our series. I’m excited about all that God is doing at our church.  You are difference makers.



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