A Note From Jeff Pries


I don’t know about you, but I have sure enjoyed our FREEDOM series. This weekend is our final week and it is a message I know I need to hear, and my bet is, you need it too. How do we handle a world that seems to feel hopeless at times? We feel stuck and don’t know where to find hope. This Sunday, we will find out that hope is not some elusive idea, hope is something we can always have, even when life seems to hit you between the eyes. There is nothing greater than hope, and Sunday you will be reminded where to find it. Not only will this weekend have a message we all need to hear, it is also going to be a fun Sunday with a band on the patio and we are serving root beer floats.  The sun is supposed to be shining, so let’s celebrate.

I also have a huge prayer request for the whole church. Steve Schenkenberger (our worship leader Roy Schenkenberger’s brother), and his family have been attending this church for about a year now. Steve was riding his bike on Sunday evening when he was hit by a car. He is currently in intensive care in an induced coma. He has head trauma and is in need of our prayers. Please pray for total healing for Steve, and pray for Steve’s wife Lori and their five young children. We have been reaching out to Roy every day and visiting Steve frequently. This is a time for the church to get on their knees and pray for Steve and the family.  Thank you for your love and support for them.

As always, I love doing life and ministry with you, even when life has its challenges.

Take care,

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