Below is an encouraging verse and thought for your week. But first, don’t miss this Sunday as we conclude our Social Reset series. See you then!
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I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2 (NIV)
If the singer/psalmist is saying the above, then it means there is good reason for him to say something else. And it’s likely that outside voices are shouting something else at him. Perhaps something like,
“Why don’t you defend yourself?”
“Why don’t you fight your enemy?”
“Why don’t you run away and hide and forget all of this? Abandon your pipe dream!”
But our guy sings a song. Songs are sticky–they have a way of sticking in your mind. We hum them while we work. We sing them in the shower and in the car. They just come out of us when we’re excited and sometimes anxious. These are the kind of words that the author wanted on his lips. So he put them to a melody. A melody that was in contrast to the stress and insecurity he was wrestling with.
He was reminding himself, his friends, his family, and billions more who would read these words that there is an invisible God who is more trustworthy than swords and spears–bombs and bank accounts.
We like to trust in things we can touch. Which is fine. But there are times when even those things are exposed as not enough. Then, where do you turn? Who is your hope?
Sing a song… let it stir your invisible and eternal soul to the truth… there is a God just beyond your sight who has everything–EVERYTHING–in the palm of his hand.
Oh, and this God made you, breathes life into you, and really loves you a lot.