A Note From Jeff Pries


I love it when I leave our church thinking, “now that’s what church is all about.” I felt that way Tuesday night when I left Community Nights. It was so great just sitting down and eating together and having time to talk and laugh with each other. Then, seeing it continue as we moved into the main room where we sat around tables and shared about life and the Bible – it’s a good thing. It’s so much of what church should be about: community and personal growth with God and others. It’s not too late to jump in! Join us this Tuesday at 6p. And of course, the taco bar is amazing.

The other fun part of Community Nights is the fact that we talk about the weekend message. It’s a great time to circle back on what we heard, and drive it into our hearts even deeper. We’re in the second week of our Follow Me series, and this Sunday, we’ll be wrestling with one of the things Jesus wants to do in our lives when we follow him. If you’ve ever had challenges, experienced fear or felt like your back was against the wall, this message is for you.

As always, you have people in your life who are looking to follow something. Invite them and introduce them to someone worth following… Jesus.  I hope your week is going great.

Blessings to you,


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