Okay, I hesitate even starting this way, but it’s true… Community Nights is one of my favorite things we do! I know I say that a lot (I guess we do a lot of fun things I love), but this is one of the great parts of being involved here at Mariners Ocean Hills.
For five weeks, we get to come together in community as a congregation, enjoy a meal together, then gather in groups in the Worship Center and talk about life and God’s Word. Like we say so often, life change happens more in circles than rows, and circling up together is a great way to build relationships that lead to life change. We have so many great stories from people who have built friendships and felt more connected because of Community Nights. So please plan on joining us, give us five weeks and you will have a great experience of growth and connection. Community Nights begin next Tue, Feb 21 (dinner starts at 6p). The taco cart will be here serving tacos, so come hungry! If possible, please RSVP here.
Leading up to Easter, we’re launching a new series titled, Follow Me. This is a series that weaves through the gospels and explores what it looks like to live a life following Jesus. Religion says, change and you can join us. Jesus says, follow me and you will change. Jesus doesn’t expect you to be perfect, He just wants you to follow Him. When you do, you will be amazed at what happens next. It is going to be a great series and a perfect opportunity to invite someone to church who you believe can benefit from following Jesus.
Finally, please continue to pray for Roy’s brother Steve. Steve was struck on his bike by a car and remains in an induced coma with head injuries. He is making gradual progress but Steve, his wife Lori, and five small children need our prayers. We as a church are financially giving to the Schenkenberger family, so if you are interested, you can donate to our benevolence fund. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. I love doing life and ministry with you.