A Note From Caleb Anderson


If you missed last Sunday’s message, you might want to catch up here. It’s a helpful set-up for Easter.

I was just in the HB Central Park this morning walking and praying for all the people who will gather there this weekend to celebrate the event that changed everything. The significance of Jesus’ resurrection can’t be overstated. That’s why people all over the world gather every single year to celebrate a death that didn’t end in death. Jesus is risen.

Please join us for one of our Easter services:

Saturday 5p – HB Central Park Bandstand
Sunday 8:30, 10, & 11:30a – HB Central Library Theater

And bring someone with you… Someone who needs a fresh dose of hope… Someone who needs a reminder of God’s love… Someone who needs to know that forgiveness is for them.

This will be a special weekend. (Our last Easter at the Library.) Don’t miss it!

I love you, and I pray you experience God’s generous grace and peace this weekend.

See you soon,


Easter at Mariners Huntington Beach


Easter is a celebration of life. Death conquered. Hope realized and victory offered to all. Jesus is alive – and that changes everything.

Come celebrate the hope of new life this Easter.

Sat, Apr 15: 5p
HB Central Park Bandstand
Family Friendly Activities

Sun, Apr 16: 8:30, 10 & 11:30a
in the HB Central Library Theater
(please note, no 6p service)

More info here.

Easter At Mariners

Easter at MC_596x225

Easter is a celebration of life. Death conquered. Hope realized and victory offered to all. Jesus is alive – and that changes everything.

Come celebrate the hope of new life this Easter! Children’s programs are available for infants through 5th grade.

Sat, Apr 15 at 5p (Peep Roast immediately following service)
Sun, Apr 16 at 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30a

* Please note that our entrance on Medical Center Drive will be closed due to hospital construction. Please use the entrances on Crown Valley or Los Altos. Click here for more info and a map.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Easter is the biggest day on the church calendar and just over a week away. The Apostle Paul writes: And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith (1 Corinthians 15:24). Meaning, if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, all of this is pointless and we are just a group of people singing songs and hanging out together believing in something that isn’t real. But we have Good News in that Jesus did rise from the dead and He wants to do incredible things in and through our lives. This is why we celebrate!

One important fact to remember is that about one-quarter of all the people who attend Easter service only attend church on Easter and Christmas. Our desire is to give them an experience that makes them want to come back. People actually want to be invited – so think of people to invite! There’s no better time to invite friends to church than Easter. For new people, it’s our desire that they would come back because of Jesus’ message of hope. But remember, you might be also part of the reason! You might have blessed their kids in Sunday school, helped them find a parking spot, or made them feel welcome. Your participation can be a part of what brings people back. What I’m saying is: we need more volunteers, especially in our Children’s Ministry! If you would like to volunteer, please email Jaclyn at jrisser@marinerschurch.org.

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.

Continued blessings,


Easter Volunteers


Easter is a time we welcome in our community and celebrate the Good News of Jesus. For many people, it is the one Sunday of the year they attend church, and our goal is that they feel welcomed and have a great experience. Please consider joining one of our teams that will help enhance this Easter experience.

Teams include: greeters, ushers, and Children’s Ministry volunteers.  It is going to be an exciting morning of celebration; we invite you to be a part of making it all special. If interested, please contact Jaclyn Risser, jrisser@marinerschurch.org

A Note From Caleb Anderson


40 baptisms!

Between last Sunday and the recent Rooted Celebration, we baptized 40 people from our community. 40 people celebrating life change and their desire to follow Jesus. It’s amazing what God is continuing to do in our church.

Easter is coming! Easter is why we follow Jesus. Sadly, most people think faith is about rules and regulations. It’s not. It’s about RESURRECTION. Who can you bring with you to an Easter service that could use some GOOD NEWS in their life?

Easter services:
– Saturday, 4/15, 5p at the HB Central Park Bandstand
– Sunday, 4/16, 8:30, 10 & 11:30a in the HB Central Library Theater

This Sunday we conclude our series Looking for Miracles and look at one more of Jesus’ mind-blowing ministry moments. Don’t miss it!

May God bless you and may He give you PEACE today,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB or our Step In Building campaign here.