A Note From Maher Salhani


There are not many things in life on which everyone can agree. What came first, the chicken or the egg? What’s better, ice cream or frozen yogurt? Who would you rather see in concert, Telletubbies or The Wiggles?

However, our church partnering with an overcrowded, underprivileged public elementary school to bring much needed improvements for students to have the greatest opportunity to succeed is something on which we can all agree. Over the past four years, ServeDay has taken our entire church into the community to live out the journey that God has set before us.

ServeDay 2017 at Gates Elementary is our chance to be part of a movement to help unite our community, and because of God’s favor, this year our church has an amazing opportunity to put God on display. For the first time ever, the Orange County public school district has trusted us to hold an outdoor church service at Gates Elementary, where we get to invite the community to worship with us. The opportunity to hear the teaching from the Bible, and then immediately live it out together by serving is a beautiful picture of the church in action.

Join us for one church service at 10a at Gates Elementary and for our renovation project, where we will paint, build, garden, and work to beautify this city.

I would love to see you and your family there as we step out in boldness to serve the community together.

To sign up, click here or text GATES to 949-267-3131.


A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend! It was so encouraging to have the Marines from Camp Pendleton pray through our Memorial Day moment. It is wonderful to give thanks to those who gave their lives and hear the heart of those who serve. On a busy weekend, with so much going on, many of you still made it to church–way to go!

We have a great Outreach Weekend to celebrate! We had our greatest response ever, with volunteers in all of the serve opportunities. You all have a desire to be difference makers and you jumped in–making a difference in a big way. We are so excited to see all that God is going to do through your service. Also, we took in our biggest Outreach offering ever, with just over $22,000 being given towards the local and global ministries. You are always so generous, thanks for stepping out and giving so greatly.

Don’t forget! Summer Camp Out is our first Summer Calendar event. If you ever wanted to take your kids camping, but hated the idea of traveling hours away or had no desire to go anywhere without a bathroom and running water–you can join us for Summer Camp Out. We’ll have barbecue,  fire pits, movies, games, and coffee and donuts in the morning. And you only have to drive to church. Night-time will be a blast and great for the kids. Don’t want to sleep over? Don’t worry! Just sneak away when no one is looking. It’s a fun time, you won’t want to miss it.

Blessings to you,


Student Beach Bonfire


We’re ready to kick off summer in Student Ministries with a beach bonfire! Invite a friend, come and hang out, eat and play games on the beach with other jr high and high school students of Mariners HB for our Summer kickoff beach bonfire party! Register here!

Fri, Jun 2, 6:30-9p
Huntington State Beach, fire pits near PCH and Newland

Student Ministries Summer Volunteers

MV Students

Summer is the perfect time to consider your schedule, change your rhythm, and serve our students. Have you ever wanted to be a part of Student Ministries but didn’t know how? Students, parents, leaders and interested volunteers are invited to join us on June 4 after the 11A service to meet our Student Ministries pastors and learn more about what summer has in store and how to get involved. Questions? Contact Jeff: jbachman@marinerschurch.org

Sun, Jun 4, following 11a service

A Note From Graeme Cowgill 5/25

Message from Graeme Cowgill


What comes to mind…Clarity? Freedom?

Has your computer or phone ever gotten to the point where it’s so overloaded that it barely functions? Our lives can get like that without us noticing. Sometimes, we need to restart our operating system so we can do the things we were designed to do.

For a few weeks now, we’ve been evaluating our understanding of what it looks like to be a Jesus follower and deciding if we need to detox anything that may have gotten in the way.

Jesus tells us in John 13:35, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” Loving one another is the main thing. It’s not an afterthought… it’s what we lead with!

Last week, we talked about how loving others comes from receiving God’s love first. If you missed it, listen here. And don’t miss this Sunday’s message as we address the main thing that gets in the way of us being able to actually DO THIS.

As a reminder:

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

See you Sunday!


PS: Thanks for your ongoing support of Mariners HB and our Step In building campaign! You can give gifts online here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I guess I would call this a weekend of lasts because it’s the last week of our series, What are we Doing Here?  Over the last four weeks, we’ve been looking at the vision for our church, why we come to church on Sunday, and what our next step is.  Because we’re finishing up the series, I felt like it’s a good time to celebrate–and there is no better way to celebrate than with snow cones. So come this Sunday and enjoy free snow cones and a great service… you can’t beat that!

Next week is our last week of community nights.  So we invite you to make it a great last night by being there. Whether it would be your first time, or you’re jumping back in, or you’ve attended every week–don’t miss it!  And as always, there will be one lucky table that gets “the prize of all prizes”.

Finally, it’s the last weekend to sign up for the Men’s Retreat.  It’s a great weekend to go and meet other guys and recalibrate your life in some way.  It’s a meaningful weekend with a lot of fun.  If you know a guy, remind him to sign up–or if you are a guy, don’t be afraid to jump into this great event.

As always, it’s great doing life and ministry with you.



What Are We Doing Here? Series

What Are We Doing Here?

At some point during the month, we all make our way to church. But the question is, once we are here, what are we doing here? For some of you, you may be here out of obligation, or perhaps guilt, or maybe because someone asked you to. For others, you feel tugged on by God and you want to respond to Him. So no matter the reason you’re here, we want to explore the real purpose of why we come to church, and more specifically, why we come to this church. God has great things for us as a church, I am excited to share them with you over the next 5 weeks.

Sunday: 9 & 11a
Worship Center