A Note From Caleb Anderson


Someone once told me that, more than hills and valleys—highs and lows—life is like train tracks. There are always good things, if you look for them, and always hard things, that seem to find you. This week confirms that view in my experience. So many blessings… so many gifts to be excited about… and some real loss, pain, and tragedy in the lives of people I care about.

If you’re having a week where the more painful track is your experience, I’m sorry. I hope this verse encourages you:

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18

Our Church Detox series continues this weekend. I hope you join us. Consider forwarding this link to someone you know who might be surprised by a fresh view of God and Church.

May God bless you and may you sense His nearness…


PS: Thanks for your ongoing support of Mariners HB and our Step In building campaign! You can give gifts online here.


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