A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great weekend! It was so encouraging to have the Marines from Camp Pendleton pray through our Memorial Day moment. It is wonderful to give thanks to those who gave their lives and hear the heart of those who serve. On a busy weekend, with so much going on, many of you still made it to church–way to go!

We have a great Outreach Weekend to celebrate! We had our greatest response ever, with volunteers in all of the serve opportunities. You all have a desire to be difference makers and you jumped in–making a difference in a big way. We are so excited to see all that God is going to do through your service. Also, we took in our biggest Outreach offering ever, with just over $22,000 being given towards the local and global ministries. You are always so generous, thanks for stepping out and giving so greatly.

Don’t forget! Summer Camp Out is our first Summer Calendar event. If you ever wanted to take your kids camping, but hated the idea of traveling hours away or had no desire to go anywhere without a bathroom and running water–you can join us for Summer Camp Out. We’ll have barbecue,  fire pits, movies, games, and coffee and donuts in the morning. And you only have to drive to church. Night-time will be a blast and great for the kids. Don’t want to sleep over? Don’t worry! Just sneak away when no one is looking. It’s a fun time, you won’t want to miss it.

Blessings to you,


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