Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study

Thursday evening bible study

Join us for 8 weeks as we study Ephesians 6 through Priscilla Shirer’s “Armor of God” curriculum. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory. You can register here. If you have any questions, email JoAnne,

Wed, Apr 19-Jun 7, 6:30-8:30p
Worship Center

JHM HSM Summer Camps

MV Students

Summer Camp is an amazing week each year because of the unique memories made through the camp experience! With the perfect blend of worship, adventure, community, and relationship, summer camp creates a place for students to focus their hearts on Jesus as we learn and grow together.

August 14-18, Forest Home
$433 – Registration and more info here.

June 25-30, Hume San Diego
$ 450 – Registration and more info here.

JHM Pastor Welcome Reception

MV Students

Junior High students (current and incoming) and their families are invited to meet JHM Pastor Kristen Carter at a Welcome Luncheon this Sun, May 21 in the Upper Room after the 11a service. If you have a Junior High student or want to lead in JHM we highly encourage you to be part of it! Eat, meet & greet as we welcome Kristen to the MV staff!

Sun, May 21

A Note From Caleb Anderson


What a week! France has a new president, controversy swirls in our own White House, the Warriors continue to win on their way to becoming the most dominant team in NBA history, and… I’m hoping… you have decided to read a little more about the person of Jesus this week! Jesus is the main thing, and it’s through our lens of understanding Jesus that we read the rest of the Bible.

Last Sunday, we talked about ways to better view and understand the Bible. If you missed it, you can listen here or subscribe to the podcast.

I want to talk about how we view the Bible once more at the end of the series to hit another important point. But not this week, so stay tuned.

THIS WEEK IS MOTHER’S DAY! Moms, we love you, and you will be celebrated this Sunday. We are also sensitive to the fact that Mother’s Day can be a difficult day for many. So I hope that whoever you are, however this holiday hits you, you’ll join us this Sunday. It will be special. And we’re going to talk about another story from the book of Acts that will either excite you or make you a little uncomfortable—both can be great outcomes!

See you soon,


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus… Hebrews 12:1-2

PS: Please give to Mariners HB and our Step In building campaign here.

MV Mother’s Day 2017


We can never thank our moms enough and we want to honor them for their love, gentleness, and strength. This Mother’s Day let’s show our gratitude by honoring motherhood.

Join us for food, flowers, and photo opps after all three services. Or, let mom sleep in and bring her to the 5p service for a special French crepe dinner.

Sun, May 14, 9a, 11a & 5p
Worship Center