A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m off to the Men’s Retreat! But, I’ll be back to teach on Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a, 6p) and I’m excited about this particular Sunday. Don’t miss it!

Food for thought:

Scripture says that “God is love.” Jesus said that He is the physical embodiment of God. Meaning, Jesus embodied love. But to further explore the definition of love, here’s what love looks like:

• joy
• peace
• patience
• kindness
• goodness
• faithfulness
• gentleness
• self-control

When you see these characteristics in your own life or in others, you’re seeing LOVE working its way out in living color. But, more on that later!

See you soon!



PS: Thanks for your ongoing support of Mariners HB and our Step In building campaign! You can give gifts online here.

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