A Note From Caleb Anderson Jun 8 Draft


Do you struggle starting and sticking with habits? I do.

In my desire to maximize my time and energy, I’ve been thinking differently about my habits. In fact, I seem to be talking to everyone I know this week about “Spark Habits.”

Spark Habits are what I call the one, central, domino habit that sparks more positive habits. Instead of trying to do 50 things, I want to make sure I do this one thing, routinely, because it leads me to making other positive and healthy choices.

For me, one Spark Habit is gratitude. I’ve noticed that when I am intentional about being grateful—thanking God for the big and little blessings in my life—my day goes better. Gratitude changes my attitude. It makes me more aware of God’s goodness. It makes me more grateful for His presence. It inspires me to be more present and energetic in my day.

What’s your Spark Habit? What do you do that sparks more good decisions?

Last Sunday, I talked about Sacred Pathways and spiritual “staying” habits that help us connect with God on an ongoing basis. Do you have a Spark Habit that helps you stay connected to God? If not, consider trying some out until you find your spark!

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.


PS: Don’t forget the Prayer Event in our future ministry space Friday evening!

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