A Note From Jeff Pries (Jun 8 Draft)


I sure missed being with you all on Sunday. I heard it was a great service with Cole and Roy. It always feels extra special when we partake in communion together. Also, it was a great weekend for the men at their annual retreat. Not only did I hear great stories of powerful ways that God worked in the lives of the men, but I am happy to say that our men won the award for the “mancathalon.”  We will display their trophy proudly somewhere in the church.  Probably in the basement (just kidding).

This weekend I will be kicking off a new series titled “Letters.”  We will be focusing on the letters that Paul wrote to the early church. It will be a series of encouragement and direction for our lives. Please join us as we kick off the series. And, please be thinking of who you could invite. Eighty percent of all people who are invited to church say yes. This Sunday would be an encouraging Sunday for them to join us.

Finally, June is always an important month for our church. We close the books on the fiscal year, and we will be starting with a new budget in July. We are right on the cusp of making budget, and how we do in June financially will dictate where we end up financially for the year. Also, how we end up the year dictates what our budget will be set at for next year. I am really excited about how God wants to use our church this coming year, so this is an important time in the life of our church. Please be prayerfully considering how you may be able to participate in this important time in the life of our church.

As always, it is great doing life and ministry with you. Continued blessings. Thanks for your heart for God and your love for our church.


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