A Note From Jeff Pries 6/29


With the heat wave and kids home from school, it is definitely Summer mode around here And one of the best things we do during the summer is VBS. It has been so fun this week to see volunteers planning details and getting excited for VBS week. It is such an amazing picture of what Church is: people jumping in, impacting the next generation, and caring for our community. It is going to be a great week, so if you have kids in your life (grandkids, cousins, nephews or nieces, or neighbors) don’t miss out on inviting them to be a part of VBS! There are so many ways for you to serve or play a role in making VBS happen, so we would love to have you join us.

This Sunday we will be in week four of our series “Letters.”  If you are feeling stuck in some area of your life, or if you ever wondered what is one of the big keys of getting through life, this weekend we will learn the secret.  I look forward to sharing what the Apostle Paul teaches us about learning how to be content in life, even when life is difficult and challenging.

So a lot is happing here at Mariners Ocean Hills.  Whether it’s high school or junior high ministry, or men’s and women’s events, or any other church activities–you won’t want to miss out.  Like I say every summer, even though you go on vacation from work, don’t go on vacation from church.



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