
A Note From Jordan Maslyn


Hey Mariners MV!

As of today, we are four days away from taking almost 300 high school students to Williams, AZ for an incredible week of summer camp! Hallelujah! If you have ever been to summer camp or if you have students who have gone, you’ve been able to experience or witness the awesome amount of transformation that takes place over those five days.

I know from my own story – I was raised in a Christian family, going to church every week, and attending a Christian school, but it was at my church’s summer camp going into my freshman year of high school where I got to truly experience Jesus’ transformational power in my life. I remember coming home after that week and being so overwhelmed with my freedom in Him, that I got on my knees and prayed a prayer of recommitting my life to His Kingdom and making my faith my own. It was shortly after that, that I decided to be baptized. Although my life was far from perfect after that point, it continues to be an important milestone in my story that impacts me today.

Whether you have a student joining us next week, or you are simply an excited member of our church family who wants to be a part of God’s work in these 300 students’ lives, I want to invite you to again join us in praying for HUGE things to happen next week.

Here are some specific things you can pray for:
-For students to hear what God is saying to them individually.
-For students to take what they hear/experience and to continue to be transformed by Jesus even after coming home.
-For leaders to feel refreshed/rested, and to have a supernatural sense of energy and ability to keep up with students.
-For healthy friendships to be developed that will continue beyond camp.
-That memories will be made, fun will be had, and that it will all point students to Jesus.
-Also, pray through John 17:20-24, specifically highlighting the students who will be at camp

We are excited and expectant of the great things that are about to take place. We can’t wait to come back and share stories with you; thank you for joining us in prayer. It is so great getting to do ministry together as a church family!

Jordan Maslyn
High School Pastor, Mariners MV

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