
A Note from Jeff Pries


With summer in full swing, there is a good chance you have either gone somewhere or have plans to travel. Summer has a way of lending itself to getting out and going places. However, finding yourself in different places is not only reserved to summertime. Life has it’s way of taking us to crazy, fun and hard places. It’s comforting to know we don’t travel on our own; God is with us. This weekend, we are starting our new series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go. It’s a great reminder that no matter where we go, God is with us, whether it is the deepest depths or the highest mountains. It will be a great series, and remember, as always, be thinking of who you can be inviting. Let’s continue to be a church of “inviters.”

Sunday morning isn’t the only exciting thing that is happening this summer. VBS is kicking off next week, with the Sweet Life. There will be hundreds of kids on campus laughing, playing, learning and growing. As a matter of fact, we still need volunteers. So if you have some time off next week, we need people to lead groups for the kids. Contact Diane Jones, if interested.

Our next Framily night is Sunday, July 26. After our successful “Campout” last month, we are ramping up for our next event. It will be an evening of music, games and live entertainment. Dinner will be served. Also, if you are looking for a women’s Bible Study, Women of Passion kicked off this Thursday. It is a great time to get connected with God and other women.

As you can see, a whole lot going on – so stay connected this summer!



P.S. don’t forget: High School camp, going to Lost Canyon on Aug 3-7, and Junior High camp on August 17-21. You can find more info about these awesome camps below!

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