A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Tomorrow night, we’ll celebrate a new class of Rooted graduates! Hundreds will gather to celebrate a deeper understanding of who God is, who the church is, and the purpose they are called to live out in this world. Hundreds have experienced community and friendship over the past 10 weeks and learned what it means to be truly encouraged and known in a profound way. Hundreds have made powerful decisions to find freedom and trust in God with their lives and will be baptized as a symbol and expression of faith and belief in who Jesus is. Through Rooted, hundreds are now living generously, serving and loving others in sacrificial ways. I know that many of you have experienced the journey of Rooted and you know the power of this night. Please be praying for this graduating class as they continue to hear from Jesus and follow Him in community with us. (And if you haven’t or know someone who hasn’t experienced Rooted, another session begins after Easter…sign up now :)

This weekend is Palm Sunday, the day Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem, when thousands of people rallied around Him knowing that He was the Messiah, the Chosen One bringing life and freedom to a broken world. This weekend we celebrate Jesus together, our Savior, who brings dead things back to life! It will be a powerful weekend as we reflect on God’s Word and the truth of who Jesus is. Kenton will be giving people an opportunity to stand and say, “I Believe” that Jesus is God’s Son, the Savior of the world, and I want to make Him my Savior.

I want you to join me in praying for this weekend and also to invite your friends, your family, your neighbors – anyone who needs the hope and true life that comes from a relationship with Jesus. I can’t wait to experience the power, encouragement and the hope that we will experience together as God changes lives this Easter week!



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