A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Allure is just a lure.” What a great reminder from James last week about how shrewd Satan is, knowing exactly the type of bait to tempt and entice us towards evil. My prayer for you today and this week is that you are like the “big fish,” able to spot the lures that Satan puts in front of you. Continue resisting temptation and standing firm in the truth, love, and life that God has for you.

This weekend is always one of my favorites at Mariners Church! I love all the fun we have for our dads and families, especially the patio with the cars, trucks, root beer (and bacon:) and spending time with one another. We’ll celebrate all of who God is as we worship and look at God’s Word together, remembering that He is good, He is perfect, He is present, He is encouraging and loving, speaking to us with truth and grace. I had a chance to sit down with a couple of great leaders, husbands and fathers (USC football coach, Clay Helton, and legendary UCLA coach, Terry Donahue) and you’ll get to hear some great thoughts from them on fatherhood. This promises to be a special weekend, so invite the men in your life: your friends, your neighbors, your teammates and your classmates to come and join us.



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