A Note From Jeff Pries


Every summer we do some fun activities to stay connected as a church and to give you the opportunity to spend time with family and friends without breaking the bank. This Sunday is our first event –  our Summer Luau. Join us at the church this Sunday, from 6-8p, for a great night. We’ll have fun things for the kids, a live band, and of course, no luau is complete without fire dancers. Dinner is going to be delicious, catered by Nalu’s Island Grill. Cost is $5/person for adults, and kids eat free. You can’t beat that! And for dessert, we will have our favorite island treat, shaved ice. It will be a fun night, so wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring someone. The winner of the most ridiculous Hawaiian shirt eats for free.

Just a reminder, VBS is July 11-15. This is a can’t miss event for the kids. It is also the perfect place to invite a friend. We have a great theme this year, Super Heroes! It’s going to be a fun environment for all involved. Also, Tim Timmons will be leading worship. If you know Tim, you know he’s great. If you have never met Tim, your kids are going to love him.

These are just a couple things happening at our church. It’s going to be a great summer together, so if you are around, join us!


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