A Note From Jeff Pries


If you’re like me and had the privilege of coming to the campus this week, what we saw was amazing! There were hundreds of kids laughing, playing, and learning at VBS. The superhero theme played out in so many ways.

There were more than 60 volunteers that truly were superheroes. You would have been so proud of your church staff, as they were nothing short of heroic. And all of the kids learned that if we rely on ourselves, we often fall short, but if we lean on God, He will give us the power to stand tall, to overcome, and to do things we could never do in our own strength. What an amazing week!

This Sunday, we will celebrate VBS with some great songs by the kids. It is a perfect weekend to see the life of our church in action! I will be continuing in our series in the Book of James and talking about the key to so many of our relationships.  What the Book of James shares with us this weekend may be the insight that opens up the box to our relationship success. It’s a weekend you don’t want to miss.



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