A Note From Christian Mungai



In many respects, Mariners is a global church. We have seen the dramatic impact of Rooted on our church over the last several years. Not only has it created a shift in the landscape and culture of Mariners, it has also impacted 100+ churches here in the U.S. and numerous churches in other countries. Rooted is a direct result of engaging with the global church, specifically Mavuno Church in Kenya. Our relationship with Mavuno and our other global partners has created a new foundation in our church for a more holistic picture of ministry. We have moved from being an independent church to becoming a beautiful picture of interdependence with other Kingdom-builders throughout the world. “I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am.” In essence, we are interdependent and inter-connected by the gospel.

There is nothing more beautiful than unity in diversity. Yet, as we look around, we can see this is the very thing that is lacking in our world today. We are overwhelmed by perilous and tumultuous times. Our country is plagued by polarizing views and rhetoric, the UK and Europe struggle with many challenging issues, and the Middle East continues to be in shambles since the Arab Spring began five years ago. Africa has been challenged for decades and Latin America and some parts of Asia have their own struggles. It’s in the midst of this turmoil that the global church of Jesus Christ is called to rise up and be a much needed light in dark times. When we, (the church), put into action the mandate we have to model unity in diversity, something incredible happens. Healing. In today’s world we are not shocked by dissension, polarization, enmity, hatred, jealousy, and bigotry, among other ills. But when healing takes place in the harshest of conditions, the world pays attention.



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