A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I hope you’re getting the most out of summer and enjoying the long sunny days, warm water, cool breezes, beautiful sunsets, beach bonfires, BBQs with friends and neighbors…summer is such a beautiful time to create space to connect with family and friends! I love the way we take advantage of this season as a church with VBS, day camps, serve trips, and of course, our Summer Saturday Nights! It’s been so fun seeing many of you jumping in and joining us on Saturdays after the 5p service, building relationships together through activities, food and fun on the patio. If you haven’t tried Summer Saturday Nights yet, bring someone with you and join us this weekend as we experience some of the best of summer together!

This weekend, we will conclude our series in James, Faith in Action. We’ll close it off in chapter 5, looking at the practical wisdom James gives on prayer – when to pray, why to pray, and most importantly, how to pray together in community for God’s healing. Then, we’ll take time to live this out together in a healing service! This is a perfect weekend to invite your friends, family and neighbors to come, see, hear and experience firsthand the beauty and power of Jesus and His Church.

Looking forward to seeing you, your family and friends this weekend!




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