A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
1 Cor. 2:9

This year we have seen our church verse come alive in so many ways and the season we are in right now is no exception. I’ve been hearing such beautiful stories of God healing deep wounds from the past, providing new opportunities, restoring relationships, and how many of you have taken courageous steps of faith toward God and one another. I love what God has been teaching us through our weekend series FAVOR WITH KINGS, reminding us of our identity in Him and how He works in us, cultivating hearts of deep conviction in order to work through us, bringing about lasting change in the world. This series is intersecting with our church verse in a remarkable way as God is truly preparing us to be amazed!

This weekend, we will continue our journey through Nehemiah and I can’t wait to share with you an unfolding story that God is writing in our church! There is a great adventure God is calling us into that I don’t want any of you to miss, an invitation to go beyond ourselves and who we are today to reach and transform Orange County for years to come. Make plans to be here – it’s a perfect weekend to invite your friends and family to come and hear the heart of Jesus expressed through our church as we love and transform the world around us.

And as always, be sure to check out everything below in the Compass for amazing opportunities for connection and transformation.

I look forward to seeing you this weekend.



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