A Note from Jeff Maguire


…I was very much afraid, but…
– NEHEMIAH 2:2b-3a

Do it afraid.

As a kid (and admittedly as an adult) I was mostly fearful. It took me a long time to finally ride on a roller coaster. I didn’t try new foods often — a  resistance that I think came from my first-ever encounter with flan at a Mexican restaurant… big mistake. I was far more likely to run from a fight than get into one. I’ve never outgrown my disdain for scary movies. I still put on my seatbelt when people offer to drive me from their car to mine after an event… even if it’s in the same parking lot. I was glad when foul weather prevented me from skydiving a few years ago (that way I got credit for trying, but never had to go through with it). So, as a mostly fearful kid (and adult), I repeatedly found myself at a crossroads, either: A) avoid all things that cause me fear or B) do things while still being afraid of them. I’d have to learn to see, identify, and acknowledge fear and then do it (whatever it is) while still feeling the effects of fear.

Being afraid of something does not render it less necessary, important, or meaningful. Think about how it felt when you asked “her” to dance. Remember, when you met that coach for the first time. Consider the excitement-fear convergence of your driver’s test. Remember your first job interview. Or, think about that time someone introduced you to your now-spouse. Try to imagine all over again, how it felt to give your first oral book report in fourth grade. Fear, trepidation, sweaty palms, clumsiness, awkwardness, and stammering speech all made their appearance. But, you did it anyway.

Remember that time you thought about stepping out in pursuit of something that was personal, emotionally charged, divinely inspired, and not guaranteed to work out in the way you planned it? Some of us once knew this feeling in our past. Some of us are living with this sensation now. Still others of us have yet to experience this sensation at all… because we’ve been so afraid. This, however, is at the core of the big dreams God plants in people’s lives. More than likely, we’ll have to do that thing he’s called us to, without the luxurious absence of fear. What if we all did it afraid?

We’ll talk more about this idea Sunday, as we continue in our series: FAVOR with KINGS. These past few Sundays it’s been so great to meet the people you have invited on this journey with you. I’m so excited for each of us, in the unique ways God has called us, to take bold steps through our fears and into the future he’s invited us to.

See you Sunday,


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