A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love how God has given us our weekend series FAVOR WITH KINGS to walk through at the same time He is inviting us to go Beyond ourselves in the way we love and serve our community! Nehemiah shows us passion and purpose is found in caring for people, and that is exactly what God is inviting us into as a church as we begin to re-purpose our campus so we can love and better serve our community in new ways for years to come.

Visit our Beyond website to learn more about going Beyond

It was so encouraging last Saturday seeing all of you who came to hear the story of going Beyond ourselves. If you weren’t able to make it, I invite you to join me this Saturday night after the service in the Community Center, to hear more about the intersection of the growing needs in our community and the opportunities we have as a church to be a resource that offers tangible solutions. Don’t worry, we’ll  take care of your kids in Port Mariners (dinner for them too!) and be done around 7p. We will share what we’ve learned about our community, the existing needs that are present, and how this is our opportunity to be a front door to love and serve!

This weekend, we will continue looking at Nehemiah’s journey together and remember that people are the reason for the vision God gives us. This is a great weekend to invite friends and neighbors to come and discover how the Church is the hope of the world!

Looking forward to being with you guys this weekend!



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