
A Note From Caleb

Legends of the Fall

I didn’t actually see the movie, but I do have a MYTH for your fall. It goes like this: “Having MORE will make you happy.”

We find ourselves in the middle of the two busiest times of the year: the start of school and Christmas. So, here we are… keeping our heads above water… wondering when the lights go up… if the homework’s getting done… if we have enough of everything for everyone…

We’re two weeks from Thanksgiving and I want to encourage you to pause, NOW, and begin to be thankful.

Don’t believe the hype. You don’t need more. More is never enough. Ever-illusive contentment is found when you’re grateful for what you have and you put it to work.

I read in Matthew 25 recently about three managers. Jesus talked about an Owner (God) who entrusted money to three managers (us). Two of the managers put the money to work and doubled the Owner’s investment. One buried the money in fear and with a scarcity mentality. Here’s the thing: The Owner praised the two who understood the value of what they had and put it to work. In fact, the Owner gave those two managers MORE as a result. “If you’re trustworthy with a little, I can give you a lot!”

Slow down…

Be thankful for what you have…

Consider how to make the most of it…

Remember that God owns it all, and we’re just managers of what’s His.

Here’s a list of things I’m grateful for today:
– my wife
– our unborn baby
– burrito bowls
– our church
– a safe home
– friends
– socks in pairs


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