A Note From Kyle

Be Fearless! What a great experience we shared last weekend as a church family where we had the opportunity to live as followers of Jesus, committing our time and sharing our resources as we tangibly loved and served those around us. It was so great watching everyone on the patio, joyfully giving to help reach our goal of $500,000 to distribute through 50 partners locally and globally. I love the heart of generosity God is cultivating in our church, and I believe this is only the beginning of what He is calling us toward.

This week, we watched tragedy and devastation unfold across the country in Boston. As followers of Jesus, I was reminded how we are living in a profound season of opportunity, the opportunity to truly love one another–our friends, our neighbors–just as Jesus demonstrated and has called us to do.

If you weren’t able to join us last weekend and you didn’t have the opportunity to participate, don’t fear – there’s still time. This weekend, I’ll be giving an update on where we are in our goal and how to Be Fearless with us! Our good friend, Pastor Muriithi Wanjau from Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya, will be with us this week; inspiring and challenging us all to continue to become all God created us to be. Looking forward to meeting your friends and family this weekend as we follow Jesus together…



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