A Note From Caleb

My parents are both celebrating their 60th birthdays next week. That’s a big one. A milestone. Similarly, a number of students are soon to graduate from one grade and enter into a new stage of education or life.

There are markers that mark significant shifts in our lives. Whether birthdays, graduations, job changes, moves, or any number of other transitions…notice what season you’re in. Celebrate what can be celebrated. Appreciate what can be appreciated. Affirm what you can affirm.

…and then prepare for the next season.

Our church is entering a new season. And as we do, we celebrate the fact that this last season has been amazing! In the past 10 months we’ve baptized 30+ people, seen almost 200 participate in Rooted, and our church has nearly tripled in size. God is up to something in HB!

Now, God’s made it clear to me and the Mariners leadership, that’s time for another big shift. We are actively looking for a new location to meet on Sundays. We have loved our time at the HB Central Library, but we’re already outgrowing it. I believe God has a new location in mind for our church. It will be our “next” but probably not our “last” location.

It will be a space we can call our own… a place we can invite our friends…  a space for the whole family… a location that makes sense for what God is doing through our community.

I don’t know exactly where it is, or exactly when we’ll move into it… but change is coming. I’m telling you now, because it’s graduation season, and this is a graduation, or sorts, for our church.
And I’m telling you because I’m asking you to begin praying and preparing. Our best days are ahead of us.

Over the next weeks and months I’ll be bringing you more information. I’ll also be inviting you to celebrate what God has already done in our church, and then to anticipate what will soon be coming.

May God bless you and your family as you look to celebrate markers in your own life. See you Sunday!


PS: please listen to or pass on the message from last weekend here.

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