Grab your grass skirt and join us for a hula lesson set to praise music! Bring your daughters, friends and neighbors—women of all ages! Food, fun, iced coffee, photo booth and a time of encouragement! Don’t miss this special event! If you have any questions, email us at hbwomen@marinerschurch.org or to register click here.
Sat, Aug 6, 9a-11a

Join us as we will be outlining the rest of the calendar year as well as introducing some of our Student Ministries leaders. We’re excited to see you guys and answer questions as we head into this exciting next season and year of Student Ministries!
For more information, please contact Julie: jdenouden@marinerschurch.org
Student Ministries Parent Night
Wed, Jul 13, 7-8p
Church Offices
2124 Main St., Suite 260
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
connecting with Mariners Church