All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Did you know…

Labor Day—celebrating the first Monday of September since 1894—honors the workers of the industrial revolution. In those days, men, women, and children as young as 5 years old were put to work in mills and factories under brutal, unsanitary conditions. Today, employees throw a fit if they can’t bring their pet iguana to work in its diamond-studded collar.

Work is part of life. It’s not punishment. It’s always been the plan.

The first instructions that God gave to humans was to “care for the earth.” That’s work with purpose. And work with purpose is satisfying.

Consider how your work is purposeful. How does it make the world better? How are you contributing to the lives of others? How are you able to use your God-given talents for the sake of a bigger story?

If those questions are difficult for you, hope is coming. The FAVOR WITH KINGS series (starting 9/18) will be powerful.

In the meantime, don’t miss the opportunity to rest and reflect this weekend. And don’t miss your 60 minutes with us on Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p.

May God bless you as you work.


PS: Listen to past messages here. We’ve fixed the podcast problem from earlier in the week.

PPS: Put September 24th in calendar and don’t miss the ALL IN night. It will be a defining evening for our whole church.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s almost the last Sunday in AUGUST! But don’t be sad. Conveniently, we live in a place that feels like summer 10 months a year.

Take a look at your calendar. Did you do everything that you hoped to do in the summer months? If not, put goals, events, trips, and meetings in your calendar for fall.

Speaking of calendars, last Sunday we talked about the catalysts for spiritual growth, the first two being, 1) Practical teaching, and 2) Private habits. Have you thought about your private habits this week? Have you scheduled any? I don’t know about you, but if I don’t schedule it, it doesn’t happen.

Remember, most of us have upward hopes but downward habits. We can change that.

And don’t give up your Sunday habit! Join us at 8:30, 10, 11:30a, or 6p to hear the other three catalysts for spiritual growth. It will be a great day!

See you soon…


P.S.: Put September 24th in your calendar for our all-church, ALL IN night. More details to come.

P.P.S.: September 18th, we’ll be starting a new series called FAVOR WITH KINGS based on the book of Nehemiah and my new book, FAVOR WITH KINGS. We’ll have the books for sale on the patio starting 9/11. But, if you’d like to join me and my family for my book release party, you’re invited. It’s Thursday evening September 1st from 5-8pm (drop by any time) on the second level of Pacific City in downtown Huntington Beach.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I have a lime tree in my backyard. I cut off a lime recently for a beverage I was drinking. It was refreshing. The moment I pulled the lime from the branch it stopped growing and ripening. Since it stopped growing, it started dying.

It’s similar for you and me. If we’re not growing, we’re slowly dying. It’s another natural law of the universe.

This Sunday and next we’ll be talking about the five catalysts for spiritual growth. I know you’ll find these messages encouraging, enlightening, and practically helpful. Join us Sunday 8:30 | 10 | 11:30a | 6p.

PODCAST: Subscribe to the podcast here. Some of you have mentioned your podcast feed not being up-to-date. If that’s the case, refresh your feed or resubscribe.

STEP IN VISION NIGHT: We’re inviting everyone in our church to a very unique evening at the Huntington Harbor Yacht Club Saturday, September 24th. We’ll be celebrating the journey of our church thus far and looking to the future in a way you will not want to miss. Put it in your calendar now. I’ll give you more details soon.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I’m so happy to be home and I’m looking forward to being with you this Sunday – 8:30 | 10 | 11:30a | 6p.

Don’t miss these next few weeks as we talk about HOW WE GROW SPIRITUALLY and all you need to know about the future of our church and our move to the Regency Movie Theater.

And mark your calendars now for our church-wide VISION NIGHT to celebrate this season of our church and mark a transition to the future: Saturday, September 24, HB Harbor Yacht Club.

Below is a little sample of what we’ll be talking about this Sunday…


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

“Notice what large letters I use as I write these closing words in my own handwriting.”  Galatians 6:11

That’s such a funny detail for Paul to include in his note to people trying to follow Jesus in Galatia. “Look at my big letters! I’m writing this by hand… and I’m writing like your mom with ALL CAPS to let you know this really matters!!”

“My own handwriting”
Writing by hand suggests that Paul had others write for him most of the time while he dictated. Often, Paul would take the pen and write a few words at the end of his letter in his own hand to authenticate the note. In this case, Paul wrote the entire last paragraph by hand. One scholar suggests, “his hand-writing may reflect the energy and determination of his soul” (Lightfoot).

I wonder if Paul woke up in the middle of the night with a vision of the people of Galatia in his mind. He couldn’t wait until his scribe returned. He just had to get his passion out through his pen. “This is what I really want you to get… Don’t miss this…”

And his main point?

Don’t worry about doing everything right (legalism). Instead, do GOOD! And don’t give up doing good. (See Galatians 6.)

“Large letters”
Paul uses large words in his own hand-writing for the same reason you do – whether in a text or on social media. He wants you to pay extra attention.

“I’ve said a lot of things. All useful, I hope. But here’s what it all comes down to…”

Paul’s large letters in his own hand-writing were written to followers of Jesus in about 50AD but they are every bit as relevant to people trying to follow Jesus in 2016AD. So let’s try this again. This is my interpretation and impression of Paul as both he and I write to encourage you today:

Don’t worry about doing everything right (legalism). Instead, do GOOD! And don’t give up doing good. Even when it’s hard… even when you don’t feel like it… even though it didn’t fix it last time… Even though they don’t deserve it… Even though it requires you to sacrifice… DO GOOD… as you remember JESUS and His GRACE for YOU.

May you continue to do good as you rest in grace today.