All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Father’s Day!

Here are a few ideas you can do to get into the spirit of Father’s Day—whether or not dad is around:

  1. Put your face up to a box fan and do your best Darth Vader: “Luke, I am your father.”
  2. Go mini-golfing and “accidentally” hit a ball in the water.
  3. Assemble furniture without reading the instructions.
  4. Embarrass your kids in front of their friends with “Dad” jokes.
  5. Use duct tape to cover up a hole in your jeans.
  6. Complain about how easy kids have it today.
  7. Go fishing and brag about “the big one that got away.”
  8. Act like you don’t know how to use a computer.
  9. Visit a historic landmark and make up a history about it.
  10. Cookout and wear a “Kiss The Cook” apron.

Hope that helps get your Father’s Day off to a great start!

Of course, it won’t be complete without joining us for one of our four services: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p. We will celebrate all things men and I will talk to you about a biblical concept you love to hate…but you’ll love this message.

I love you and I’m grateful for you – especially, this week, if you’re a dad!


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here


Father’s Day at Mariners


Dads, we’re their number one fans! We want to thank them for reminding us how they did it back in the day, to walk it off, and that a little hard work never hurt anyone. Join us as we honor the fathers in our lives with fun activities and of course, food.

Sunday, June 19
8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p (after services)
Huntington Beach Central Library Theater
7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

To volunteer, contact Jeanette,

A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners HB!

I’m so excited for all that is going on in our church right now. The James series started off with a bang this weekend, Man Camp was a huge success, Rooted is coming into the final few weeks and so many of you are jumping in to our Step In campaign. I can feel the momentum that God has in our church weekly as we worship together. Seeing each of you grow as worshipers and in your understanding of who God is in your life is amazing.

As you know, summer is right around the corner and that is the perfect time to connect with people who are in our church and also in our community! We say it a lot, “life is better together” and we have SO many opportunities to gather together coming up. So do yourself a favor and check out our Summer events. Kids fun, Angels game and beach days all are coming soon! Visit the Welcome Center this Sunday and pick up a calendar!


P.S.: To listen to last week’s message from Caleb, click here.
P.P.S.: Give to our Step In campaign here.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


I think June and July are going to be important months for you.

A. We live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world. As visitors flood our streets and beaches, choose to be grateful that you live here all the time!

B. I’m kicking off a brand new message series this Sunday based on the Book of James. I think James is the most underrated hero in the Bible. His practical insights for everyday life will inspire you, and, if you let them, lead you further in the right direction.

IMPORTANT! Read this:

When you come this Sunday, expect a little extra traffic during the AM services (8:30, 10, 11:30a). There will be a car show taking place, but we are blocking off as many parking spaces as possible. Please enter on the Goldenwest side. If you’re willing—or forced to—you can park in the Sports Complex lot. (Just remember to buy a ticket from the machines in the lot for $1.) You can also take this opportunity to bike, walk or carpool to church.

Don’t let the potential parking inconvenience deter you. This is will be a special Sunday.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Until then,


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here



VBS-Compass-2016A week long, half day camp for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade by Sep 1. The Mariners Irvine campus will turn into a SUPER POWered, superhero adventure with Bible stories, games, drama, crafts and opportunities to serve others. Live music with Tim Timmons. Search “VBS” or click here to register.

Mon-Fri, June 27 – July 1, 8:45a – 12:30p
K-5th grade, $60/child
Registration closes Sun, Jun 5

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Memorial Day Weekend 2016

I’m so very grateful for the people who have served our country, so we can enjoy the freedom that we have. Let’s be sure to remember and honor them and the sacrifices they’ve made on our behalf.

I’m also so grateful for our church and especially this week, for our staff. We have been on Staff Retreat the past few days and returned rejuvenated and excited for the season in front of us.

Enjoy this three day holiday weekend. Enjoy family and friends. And get some rest.

Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


P.S.: Stop by our Step In table on the patio this Sunday. We’ll have some fun surprises there over the next month.

P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.