All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The wind is blowing as I type this. The wind reminds me that God is still living and active all around us. I can’t see the wind… But I can see the effects of the wind. We can’t see God, but we can see His activity all around us.

We’re seeing it in our church…
– lives are being changed
– marriages are finding new hope
– kids are deciding to follow God
– practical miracles are unfolding and leading us to a new church home

Miracle 1
The City Council votes to change the zoning, allowing us to be in the Regency Theater building.

Miracle 2
The owner of the building participates in the sale by donating to Mariners Church (two others negotiating the deal also make large donations).

Miracle 3 (in progress)
God helps our church raise $1.5-2M to purchase the theater and upgrade it for our church.

Commitment Sunday was last week and was a big step in that direction. THANK YOU to those of you who are already participating. And if you haven’t yet, feel free to make a commitment this Sunday or in the near future. We need EVERYBODY to make this thing happen. It’s going to be amazing to watch this journey unfold. Make sure you’re part of it.

Sunday Night
We’re back at 6p and we’ll have something special on the patio for you that will be a hit.

See you soon,

“Your grace is sufficient for me. Your power is made perfect in weakness.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

 P.S.: You can catch up on recent messages here or subscribe to the podcast here.

P.P.S.: You can give to Mariners Church Huntington Beach here.

A Note from Caleb Anderson

What a journey we’re on! I announced on Sunday that we’re in the middle of finalizing a deal to purchase the Regency Movie Theater at Beach/Warner. Miraculous! (More of the story coming soon.) There are still details and decisions that need sorting out in the next 60 days, so please continue to pray this thing into being.

And, we will continue to “STEP IN” faith.

Vision Night: Tonight, 7p. Everyone is welcome. I’ll be sharing my heart behind this move, plus more details about what you can expect and why this is so important. I know you have a life and things happen Thursday evenings—including Clipper games—but we’ll keep it brief and brilliant. See you there!

Media Safe Home—Parenting Seminar with Jim Burns: Sat, May 16, 9a. If you have kids or might have kids soon, you should come to this. Jim is a nationally known speaker on the subject, and he’s NOT boring. He’s fun, engaging, and insightful. You’ll be glad you were there.

Commitment Sunday: May 17, 8:30, 10 & 11:30a. You’ll hear more tonight, but Sunday we’ll be bringing our commitments to the STEP IN campaign. I’m hoping this is an all-play—everybody engaging at some level. Not everyone can give equal gifts, but everyone can give something. When you’re invested, you’re INVESTED. And this is our future, together. So, please come, and be ready to respond to what God is asking you to contribute to the future home of our church. Bonus: TACO CART after all three morning services.

No 6p service—this Sunday only. The Library is kicking us out this Sunday. We’ll be back in action at 6p the following Sunday, May 24th, and we’re likely to have a special treat for the 6p’ers.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21


P.S.: You can catch up on recent messages here or subscribe to the podcast here to make it easier.

P.P.S.: You can give to Mariners Church Huntington Beach here

A Note from Caleb Anderson


We are so excited to celebrate the beautiful women in our church this Sunday! We make a big deal about mothers and all women because of the incredible gift they are. Sunday is going to be special…Don’t miss it. 8:30, 10, 11:30a and 6p

Step In Vision Night
Everybody is invited Thursday, May 14 to the Rogers Senior Center at 7p for our Step In building campaign vision night. I’m going to share my heart behind the campaign and more exciting details about the vision and future of our church. Dessert, coffee, and good times served.

Creating a Media-Safe Home: Parenting Seminar with Jim Burns (5/16—details below)
Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to hear from an expert in the world of youth and parenting. My kids are only two and two months, but I plan on being there and taking notes.

Sunday May 17: Step In Commitment Sunday
We’ve been praying about how God would lead each of us to participate in the Step In Campaign–raising money believing in faith that our next church home is on the horizon. Commitment Sunday is the day we invited you to bring your commitment cards for a special service of dedication. Please email Neil with any questions.

Sunday Night May 17: No 6p Service
Due to scheduling issues at the Central Library, we’re canceling the 6p service on May 17. We’ll be packing our whole church into the AM services (8:30, 10, 11:30a) on May 17 for our Commitment Sunday. It will be a party, complete with Oak View Tacos following each service.


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note from Caleb Anderson


We’re stepping in.

As a church, we’re believing that God is leading us to our next church home; we’re praying for favor in the city and miracles in people’s lives; and we’re giving to the cause.

If you missed last Sunday please listen to the message here. I want you to know the context for some massive things that are happening in our church.

For the next three weeks I’ll be talking about how the vision of our church is built on the three spiritual factors that are most important to your life, personally. This will be a month to remember in our church. Don’t miss a Sunday.

Key things to plan on:

  • May 10, Mother’s Day (you’re welcome)
  • May 14, Vision Night (HB Senior Center, 7p)
  • May 17, Commitment Sunday (bring your cards)–only three services: 8:30, 10 & 11:30a–no 6p service, May 17 only


*To set up recurring gifts to the Step In Building Campaign go here.