All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Jairus Williams

Hey Marines HB,
What a dynamic and amazing weekend we had this past week.  I don’t get to write these often, so I’m going to take this opportunity to affirm what I saw.

I believe Caleb brought one of his most authentic messages on marriage, relationships and honor we’ve ever had and…God moved hearts. As a result, I saw the tears of people who wanted to make a change in their marriages and relationships. They are asking for help and taking steps toward healing! I saw our church worship with new passion and expectation – arms raised, voices loud and hungry for more. As the Worship Pastor of this church, I was so proud. I believe God is doing something special here and the best is yet to come.

So what do we do with a weekend like this? Or bigger yet, when we see God do something special in our daily life…. what’s next?

Be thankful. When you remember these things during the week, say “thank you” to the One who gave it to you. Grateful hearts are close to God. Gratefulness is the gateway to joy and always orients and points us in a healthy direction. Gratitude is contagious. Try it out and watch people around you do it too!

Celebrate it. When something amazing happens, you naturally want to tell others about it. Even if it is a small glimpse of hope this week for a relationship that didn’t have it last week, SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE! Share it with those close to you. Invite more people to come to church with you…they need that hope too. This is too good to keep for ourselves. Sharing something with others that was previously hidden is like shining light into a dark room. It releases fear and apprehension…it gives you encouragement that you are not alone.

Expect more of it. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” I love giving gifts to my kids. The way their eyes light up is priceless. How much more does God love doing that? When you show up this week for church, show up early, waiting and ready for God to do something amazing! Expect that the message is going to be life changing and that God will speak to you in a new way. Then go into the week praying, looking and expecting God to change you, those around you and to show you those you can impact personally!

I am pumped that great things are here…and great things are ahead! Don’t miss this weekend….something remarkable is going to happen!

We’re having food after the 6p service, so come hungry and bring a friend. :)

Men’s and Women’s Ministries have events coming up! DON’T DO LIFE ALONE. Women’s Coffee Connect here and Men’s Monthly Breakfast here.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Love and marriage… they don’t always go together like a horse and carriage.

Love seems complex… dangerous… maybe even hopeless.

And marriage? Marriage has been under attack for a long, long time.

One thing you can be sure of: No great relationship happens on accident.

This Sunday we’re considering a teaching from Jesus that might shift your perspective on your most important relationships. There is hope. There’s help. And there’s a rich and satisfying life of love that’s possible.

As if you needed a reminder, the Super Bowl is Sunday. We’re using the national event as an excuse to throw parties Sunday afternoon. That means…

  1. Normal services at 8:30, 10, 11:30a
  2. NO 6p service—this week only
  3. Invite people over, or join one of our Super Bowl parties. Life is better together. Use the Super Bowl as an excuse to be a blessing to your friends and neighbors.

We expect our morning services to be especially full this Sunday. If possible, come at 8:30 or 11:30a. We have overflow seating (and seats for parents with infants) across the hall.

Looking forward to being with you on Sunday!


REMEMBER: Surf City Marathon is this Sunday. So enter the Library from Gothard/Talbert!

P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

Super Bowl House Parties

Super-Bowl-Sunday-Compass (1)
On Super Bowl Sunday, there will NOT be a Sunday night service at 6p. Instead, we will meet in houses all over the city to watch the BIG GAME! Let’s be in our community by throwing or attending a Super Bowl party! Invitations are available at the Welcome Center for hosts or if you would like to attend a party, we’ve got you covered! For more information, contact Neil,

Sun, Feb 1

Junior High Ministry

Life Groups
We want to TEACH STUDENTS TO HEAR FROM AND WALK WITH GOD, so we do LIFE GROUPS with committed leaders that care about our jr. high students in a setting where they can build depth in their friendships and connect even deeper with Jesus. Click here to sign up or to find out more.
In homes on Mondays starting Feb 2, 7-8:30p, $60 (Covers all 3 sessions)

First Wednesday (for parents)
Parents and guardians of junior highers, stop by for a free cup of coffee and meet with Graeme, the JHM Pastor.
Wed, Feb 4, 7-8a, Panera Bread, 19461 Main Street, HB

Women’s Bible Studies

James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore
Begins Wednesday Feb 4, 9:30-11:30a, childcare available, $5/child/day

1&2 Thessalonians: Children of the Day by Beth Moore
Begins Monday night Feb 2, 6:45-8:45p, at the church offices

Mentoring 101
Sundays, Feb 8-Mar 15, during the 10a service
Learning to walk with someone: how to share your story, experience and heart during this six week study. For more info and location, contact Julie.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The next three weeks we’re talking about RELATIONSHIPS, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about.

anger | sex | porn | marriage | divorce

Don’t miss this… And don’t let your friends miss this.

PANCAKES! Following all services this Sunday. (Nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner 6p!) If you want to help serve pancakes, email Neil. Otherwise, come hungry.

SUPER BOWL! Everyone watches the Super Bowl (almost everyone). But no one should watch it alone. Invite your small group, neighbors, co-workers… Remember, you’re blessed as you bless others. Don’t insulate and isolate. Invite and include!

If you can’t host a party we have numerous awesome families who are opening their homes to anyone in our church. People will be on the patio this weekend with invites. Grab one and show up. Our church is full of fun, friendly people. You can be connected if you want to be–but it’s up to you. (6p service is canceled for our in-home-parties, 2/1 only.)

See you Sunday,

Catch up on our series The Pursuit of Happiness here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The sun is shining, the air is breathable… it’s a good day to be alive!

Bonus: No rain in the forecast for Sunday!

If you are someone who has been a follower of Jesus for a long time, you want to hear Sunday’s message. If you are someone who isn’t sure if they like people who follow Jesus, you definitely want to hear Sunday’s message.

Join us for the third installment of The Pursuit of Happiness. We’re uncovering the secrets of the universe that unlock the “good life” that God wants for us. Bring someone you love.

If you need to catch up on the either of the first two messages, listen here.

We have an extra opportunity for you today. We are completely overhauling our website and online presence across the Mariners Church Network. If you’d like to help us shape the future of our website, please participate in this brief survey by clicking here. (The deadline for the questionnaire is Friday, January 30.)

See you Sunday,