All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Welcome to a brave new year!

Sunday we launched a new series called, “The Pursuit of Happiness.” The response has been amazing. This series is speaking to a lot of people.

We said that HAPPINESS IS RECEIVED, NOT ACHIEVED and that God blesses people who aren’t focused on blessing themselves. Many of you asked about ways you can serve. I’m going to tell you this Sunday. You can also see an updated list of opportunities Monica has posted on our website.

Our journey to a better understanding of happiness is just beginning. We’ll be continuing through the most famous sermon ever preached—Jesus’ message called the Sermon on the Mount. If you missed last week’s message, you can listen to it or pass it along here. (You might as well subscribe to the podcast, uploaded every week.)

Did you know that our church is one of the fastest growing churches in the country? Can you believe our church has grown from 150 to 826 adults this past Sunday—in just 2 1/2 years?! Numbers matter because each number represents a life (including yours), and God has a passion for every life, and plan for each person. More and more people are experiencing the love of Jesus at our church and lives are changing. And lives will keep changing because you invite people! Thank you for loving God by loving other people. You’re making a difference.

If it makes sense in your schedule, I’d encourage you to come to a service other than 10a. The 6p service is picking up great momentum. This week we’ll have food and patio loitering after the service.

Don’t worry, we’ll always make room for your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors…so bring someone with you this week to encounter genuinely loving people, great music, and to hear a message about finding purpose in life and meaning in work. (I’m also going to give you an update on our future location.)

See you soon,


P.S.: If you haven’t signed up for Rooted, do it NOW!

A Note From Caleb Anderson


This is your CHRISTMAS COMPASS letter! Are you excited? You’re probably glancing at this on your phone in line at Nordstrom, annoyed that everyone else waited so long to do their shopping and they’re making you late to your next sweater party. So I’ll keep it short and sweet:

Christmas Eve Services:

24th: 2, 4 & 6p (all services at our usual Central Library Theater)

And don’t think it’s too late to invite your family and friends. If you have to incentivize them, pull out all the stops. It’s Christmas! And everybody needs to hear how much God loves them.

We’ll have our normal services on Sunday the 28th.

Then, we’ll be starting our new series called “The Pursuit of Happiness” on January 4th. Everyone fixes their lives around what they think will make them “happy.” Yet everyone has also found happiness illusive. There’s a reason for that. We’ll talk about the secret to unlocking the ultimate life that God offers—the life you actually want. Don’t miss this series.

And don’t miss the moments this Christmas. God is here. God is Good. And God is crazy about you.

Merry Christmas,


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast


Join the Men of Mariners as we hear from the son of the notorious Underboss of New York’s violent and feared Colombo crime family. Michael Franzese has since given his life to the Lord and is compelled to share how God saved him from a deadly lifestyle. For more info and to register, click here. Questions? Contact Tomas at

Saturday, January 10, 8-10a, Irvine Campus Community Center, $12

A Note From Caleb Anderson



  1. Sweaters can be itchy, but when else will you wear them? You’re living in SoCal after all. There’s something about sweaters in December. Think of an excuse to go outside. Now put on a sweater.
  2. Three out of five chocolate candies are disappointing, so skip them and pour a glass of chocolate milk. I know, you think it’s a kid’s drink. But you get your chocolate fix, plus natural protein! It’s a justifiable indulgence.
  3. The easiest way to keep yourself and your loved ones in tune with the real melody of Christmas is to bring people with you to a Christmas Eve service (or two). Here’s why:
    • There’s something about being together, remembering together, celebrating together…
    • Inviting someone else opens up your heart and fills up someone else’s…
    • Mariners HB does Christmas Eve right

So join us! You ARE us, after all…

Tuesday (23rd) at 4 and 6p
Wednesday (24th) at 2, 4, and 6p (all services at our usual spot – HB Central Library Theater)

There’s a 75% chance that whomever you invite and offer to sit with will actually come. So flex your ’tis-the-season muscles and let’s do this!

Note: We also have our normal services on Dec 21st and Dec 28th. And by normal I mean awesome. I’ll see you Sunday… and then Tuesday… and why not Wednesday, too?!

Merry Christmas,


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

Date Night


We know that you need a night out to do your Christmas shopping…or maybe you just need a night out! We want to help! Come, bring our child in their jammies for a fun PJ party, movies, crafts and food. We will provide the fun while you play Santa. For more info, click here.

Fri, Dec 19, 6-9p, $5/child, food included
HB Offices, 2124 Main Street, Suite 260

A Note From Caleb Anderson


So… what’s the Christmas season without a little drama? I went in for a minor surgery last week but the result was slightly more intensive than we thought. Thus, I’ve been on my back for a full week now. Not ideal, but it could be worse. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I’m really looking forward to being back in action!

In the meantime, even in less than ideal circumstances, I’m trying to enjoy each day. I’m so grateful for my wife, Hilary, and our growing boy, Jack (and our son who’s on the way). They bring me so much joy and love. God’s greatest gifts are right in front of us. Sometimes we just need to be slowed down enough to really appreciate all that we have.

Take a breath. Take inventory. Whisper gratitude for your many blessings. Even if your life is physically uncomfortable right now (like mine), or emotionally painful these days, you can still trust that God is good. All the time. And He loves you.

Make sure you join us TONIGHT (Dec 11) between 6 and 7:30p at Bella Terra for a very special Christmas Tree Lighting. Seriously. This is probably the coolest event we’ve ever done. Don’t miss it. Bring friends, family, and neighbors with you. Most of them will be very open to your invitations this time of year.

God bless you, and may you know His peace… His hope… and His joy this special season. See you soon…


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

Tree Lighting


Join MCHB for a Tree Lighting and a fun filled night of Christmas Cheer! Bring your family for snow, hot chocolate, crafts, glitter tattoos, photo booth, caroling and more. Festivities from 6p, Tree Lighting from 7-7:30p at the Bella Terra Amphitheatre (in front of the movie theater). More info here.

Thursday, December 11, festivities begin at 6p
Bella Terra Amphitheatre