All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb


I was shocked this week to learn of the passing of Robin Williams. What a likable entertainer who produced such memorable characters and quotable comedy.

As we remember him, let’s pray for his family and others who have been impacted by depression. Also, let’s not forget the thousands who are dying and being displaced, right now, in the Middle East and in places like Ukraine.

…While you’re at it, LAUGH more! And trust that God is good, even when you can’t laugh.

Take a moment… Be still… Know that God is still God.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re moving our 4th service launch from Sept 7 to Sept 14. Hopefully that doesn’t impact you. It really helps us—especially with parking in front of the theater. Again, Sunday night service: Sept 14, 6p.

If you’re not yet serving, we need you this fall with 4 services! Please fill out a card this weekend, or email Ericka now.

This Sunday, I’m talking about a character from the Bible you’ve probably never heard of. It will be a different kind of message…but one I think might hit you between the eyes.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

A Note from Caleb Anderson


Whoever coined the term, “dog days of August” didn’t live in the HB area. What a beautiful week… what an amazing place to live, and an incredible time to be alive!

Just think… you’re probably reading this note on your cell phone or iPad—things that didn’t exist when I was baby Jack’s age (that’s my 1  1/2 year-old-son, if you didn’t get the memo). Not to mention, our US Open of surfing was on Sports Center and riot-free, while the Angels and Dodgers could very well play each other in the World Series. Come on….

As if you needed more to get excited about, you’re part of a church where God is speaking to people every week, lives are being changed, and life-long relationships are being formed.

And… we’re just getting started!

AND… as Graeme taught last Sunday, God is orchestrating a symphony, and YOU have a part to play!

I hope you join us for one of our services this Sunday—8:30, 10:00, 11:30am—as I talk about a controversial character in the Bible. This message will be considered PG-13 by some, so make sure to take your younger kids to our children’s programs (led by  the ever-fabuous, Diane Hodgkins).

Bonus: Food Trucks. So come, stay, eat… We’ll have fun.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here



A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey HB!

Wasn’t it great learning about Jonah from Mike Myers this past weekend? One thing I love about our church is that you guys are so hospitable to our guest speakers. They always feel at home and I believe that allows them to be transparent and open when they speak here! So, GREAT JOB!

This past week I learned a painful lesson I want to share with you. Landon, my oldest son, has become interested in skateboarding. Being that I used to skateboard as a kid, and I want to do things with him, I borrowed a skateboard from a buddy and off I went. I drove downtown and hit the streets, skateboarding to Main Street and the pier. All was going well but as I approached the pier, I noticed the US Open tents and other promo stuff and wanted to take a picture to post online. So, while riding the skateboard I pulled out my phone and started to take a pic (big mistake)…while unbeknownst to me a gap in the concrete was RAPIDLY approaching. SMACK! I hit the gap, flew forward, then fell straight down onto the concrete. I saved the phone but not my hip and wrist. OUCH…CRAZY PAINFUL. After picking up my pride and limping back to the car, I put away the board and drove home. The next day I showed Graeme (Cowgill) the board, my swollen wrist and told him the story of my painful intro back into skateboarding. After talking, I decided to take a little spin in the church office parking lot to “get back on the horse,” so to speak. And guess what happened? Yep…..BAM! My feet flew up in the air and I hit the ground back first. My wrist bounced off the pavement and MORE swelling ensued!! My ego was crushed again (not to mention Graeme got a great laugh out of it).

So, what lessons can I learn out of this sequence of events and what can I share with you to salvage this fiasco? Well, here goes nothing…

  1. Learning new things can be painful. To try something new you have to be willing to fall. The measure of your dedication is really in how you get up…not how many times you fall down! Just make sure not to get distracted (put the phone away).
  2. To connect with someone you care about, you will most likely have to do something out of your comfort zone. Is it the most wise thing to start skateboarding again 23 years after my last known attempt? No, probably not, but I know that my relationship with my son is WAY more important than a couple spills on concrete. If it gives me more time with him, I can honestly say it will be worth it. So am I giving up? NO WAY!
  3. Sometimes you have to stop waiting for people to come to you and you have to go to them. Would it be easier to get my kids to do things I like to do? Sure. How much easier though will it be to invite them to hang out if I choose to do what they love instead? MUCH EASIER!

This week, there are neighbors, friends, and family members who would love to get to know you, but you are waiting for the invite from them. Or, maybe they invited you somewhere but you declined because you didn’t enjoy what they wanted to do. Step out of your comfort zone and invite someone to hang out with you. Learn something new!! When I moved to HB I learned to surf just so I could fit into the culture of the city and meet new people. Some of the friends I have made from it are the closest friends I have today. Learning to surf was HARD and time intensive but so worth it!

Invite someone to Movie Night tonight, or ladies, learn to hula at our next women’s event, or cook out in your front yard and invite the neighbors. We want to be a church that is connected to our city. The people around us need to hear the message of Jesus Christ and YOU might just be the person they have been waiting to hear it from!

See you Sunday!

Jairus Williams
Worship Pastor
Mariners Church
Huntington Beach Campus

Women’s Coffee Connect and Hula Lesson


Grab your grass skirt or sarong and join us on the beach for a fun time learning the HULA from Nikki Esquer-Ragge. We’ll have snacks, hot & cold coffee, plus drinks for the little ones! Bring your daughters, grandmothers and friends to meet, connect and dance in the sand!

Coffee Connect & HULA Lesson
Saturday, August 2, 8 – 10a

The beach at 17th Street & PCH

Contact Beth Russell for more info.