All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Do you know why we’re talking about “How to Start a Revolution” on Sundays?

A couple of reasons…

1. We’re living one.

I was visiting our Mariners Church Lighthouse Community Center in Santa Ana yesterday. I heard an AMAZING story of a young woman who grew up participating in that ministry. Volunteers in our church helped this young woman to know the love of God, understand her value as a human being, get a scholarship to college, then come back and serve on staff at the same community center—blessed to bless others.

That’s just one story.

Friday night 100 HB friends of ours will conclude Rooted—many of whom have experienced significant life-change. Some will be baptized and many will go on to play important roles in our growing community.

We’re living a revolution IN OUR CHURCH.

2. You’re made for this.

There is something inside you that whispers that there’s more. There’s more to this life than lots of friends on Facebook. There’s more to fulfillment than the flexibility to surf or golf at will.

There’s more.

You know it. I know it. And that’s why we keep reminding each other that God is up to something.

He was… He is… and He will continue to be…

Will you join Him?

Will you join us?


P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Everyone likes the idea of generosity. In fact, everyone likes the outcomes of generosity, too. It’s just pulling the trigger—writing the check, giving the gift, forgiving the debt, serving in a humble way—that trips us up.

Sunday our church took an iPad offering… 100% of which goes to other organizations doing good in our community.


And it doesn’t just go to other orgs…it’s already gone! I delivered the checks on Tuesday. (We’re fast.) And it was amazing!!

The gratitude… the joy… the amazement… the hope… the tears…

Don’t miss Sunday. I’m going to give you a glimpse of the privilege that was mine to deliver your tangible generosity. It was a slice of heaven—heaven on earth—and you played a role.

And we’re just getting started…


P.S.: I’m excited about my message this weekend. It will be relevant to EVERYONE—at least everyone who is honest with themselves. Bring a friend.

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Let me summarize this week, in terms of church tradition…

Fat Tuesday: over-indulge to the point of gluttonous regret

Ash Wednesday: commit to going without and sacrificing some comfort “for Lent”

Thursday: wrestle with why you chose to go without the thing you gave up and argue with yourself about whether it’s possible

What’s the point?

Why do rational people participate in “Lent” — the 40 Days leading up to EASTER?

The hope is that we tune our hearts, preparing to hear from God in an effort not miss out on whatever God has for us in this Easter season–the central focal point of the story of our faith.

Don’t miss this: The point of Lent is not to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice… but to replace some comfort with an awareness that God is near.

In other news, I’m launching a new series called “How to Start a Revolution”–based in the book of Luke. I think these next 40 days could be powerful for you.

See you soon…


Listen to and pass along recent messages here
Give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


With the close of the Sochi Olympic Games, we too are bringing our series, A Beautiful Mess, to a close this weekend. We promise, no ring-fails or drawn out historical tributes. Just good people, great music, and a message that will make you think all week. You don’t want to miss this.

In our commitment to promoting healthy relationships we’ve made several special opportunities available:

Fight Night: A perfect date — learning, laughs, and childcare. Learn more and sign up here.

Ballroom Dancing: There are still a few spots available for ballroom dancing (hosted at the YMCA in HB), but you have to sign up on the patio, or email Kevin White.

Marriage Mentoring: Get paired up with a couple who cares. Sign up on the patio or email Eric and Lori Johnson.

See you Sunday.


Listen to and pass along recent here
Give to Mariners HB here