All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The USA medal count in Sochi is modest, but YOU can still be a hero. Pick up a gift for your loved one for Valentine’s Day. It’s Friday. You’re welcome.

Also, sign yourself up for FIGHT NIGHT. It will be an awesome date night filled with humor and insight about how to fight fair and develop great communication. Details are below.

And then I’ll see you on Sunday for an important message. I’m titling it “How to Get a Divorce.”

Invite somebody. It could be a game-changer for present or future relationships. (If you want to read ahead, look at 1 Corinthians 13.)

See you soon…


Listen and pass along recent messages here.
Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


So, it’s February. And perhaps you’re thinking, “2014 is off to a pretty good start…My pastor’s talking about healthy relationships, I’m about to get a decent tax return, and despite the polar vortex, I’m living in the sunshine!”

Guess what? It’s about to get even better.

Friday Night: Date Night. Married couples, dating couples, couples with kids, couples without kids…This is for YOU. You’re going to arrive at the Central Library Theater at 6-6:15pm. I’m going say a few things about why dates are so important… then I’m going to give you an assignment–complete with a table card–and send you out to your place of choice. (In the meantime, we’ll watch the kids–see details below.) Don’t miss this opportunity to honor your significant other.

Sunday Morning: Parenting + Pancakes. Even if you’re not a parent you need to hear 5 Things Every Kids Needs from Adults. Plus, we’re serving another quality Pancake breakfast in the parking lot. Invite a few young families you know.

Next Weekend: Next Sunday (2/16) is the most significant message of the series. Plan ahead to attend.

Your Mariners Church staff and leader pray for you and thank God for you regularly.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here
P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


We’ve received a lot of positive feedback around the “sex” talk from last Sunday. For those of you inquiring, let me remind you that you can listen to all recent messages–and pass them on–here.

This Sunday is going to be very unique and special. I have two guests who will share the stage with me, and you’re not going to want to miss it. (Try to leave your house a few minutes early, as the marathon run will be closing some local streets and causing minor delays.)

Also, continue to keep an eye out for numerous ways we’re promoting healthy relationships. Our Life Group Connection event had record attendance, with lots of people finding new groups. (If you missed it, contact Mike to get plugged in.) Next week, Date Night, with CHILDCARE. Sign up in advance at the Welcome Center.

Lastly, I hear that there’s a big sporting event going on Sunday afternoon. I don’t know anything about that, as I just read the Bible and go from closet to closet praying. However, if I were a sports fan, I’d be convinced that the Seattle Seahawks were going to break the spirit of the Broncos and win their first Superbowl. In a spirit of humility and grace, let’s remember the Broncos players and their wives in our prayers :)

BTW: If you’d like to help decorate the patio this Sunday to show support for your team, contact Christen.


Date Night


Join Caleb for a quick, fun and helpful “shot in the arm” for your relationship and then head to your favorite date spot. Group gathering from 6-6:30p. Snacks, games and a movie will be provided for your kiddos while you take time out to focus on your relationship. $10/child. Register at the Welcome Center after the services.

Friday, February 7, 6-9p, HB Central Library Theatre

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Real talk this Sunday, friends.

“Better Sex” is the topic. I’ll answer all your long-standing questions about sex, attraction, and human anatomy. Well, maybe.

Check your kids into their classrooms, sharpen your pencils, and try not to get the giggles.

God designed it, and we’re going there.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here

P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Our Beautiful Mess series is up and running!

You can always catch past messages here. And you can interact with us on Facebook here.

This week, we’ll be talking about the vast majority of our relationships – not the immediate or intimate relationships, but everyone else. How do you relate to the world around you?

There are a few keys from Romans 12 that could change your life, and all your relationships. Honor someone you care about and invite them to join you.

Don’t miss a week of this series. We’ll have different elements each week–art, food, special music, date nights, dancing… you just never know.

Enjoy this 80 degree January day! May God bless you, heal you, and lead toward healthy relationships.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you know??

Did you know that almost half of American New Year’s Resolutions are about relationships? (After dieting, exercise, self-discipline…)

Did you know that the top regret a person has toward the end of his/her life has to do with broken or neglected relationships?

Did you know that researchers have indicated for years that the primary driver of happiness and longevity of life is correlated to the quality of one’s relationships?

Our teaching series called A Beautiful Mess starts this Sunday, January 12. In it we’ll explore how being more intentional about your relationships will change your life–friendships, dating relationships, marriage, parenting…

Even if you’re heart-broken, burnt-out on relationships, or just not the “touchy-feely” type, A Beautiful Mess is still for you…and for your friends.

Bring someone who’s hurting. Bring someone who’s confused. Bring someone who just wants a date. I believe God will speak to us all and will heal hearts and lives.

We were designed to do life TOGETHER!

See you Sunday…
