We’ve received a lot of positive feedback around the “sex” talk from last Sunday. For those of you inquiring, let me remind you that you can listen to all recent messages–and pass them on–here.
This Sunday is going to be very unique and special. I have two guests who will share the stage with me, and you’re not going to want to miss it. (Try to leave your house a few minutes early, as the marathon run will be closing some local streets and causing minor delays.)
Also, continue to keep an eye out for numerous ways we’re promoting healthy relationships. Our Life Group Connection event had record attendance, with lots of people finding new groups. (If you missed it, contact Mike to get plugged in.) Next week, Date Night, with CHILDCARE. Sign up in advance at the Welcome Center.
Lastly, I hear that there’s a big sporting event going on Sunday afternoon. I don’t know anything about that, as I just read the Bible and go from closet to closet praying. However, if I were a sports fan, I’d be convinced that the Seattle Seahawks were going to break the spirit of the Broncos and win their first Superbowl. In a spirit of humility and grace, let’s remember the Broncos players and their wives in our prayers 
BTW: If you’d like to help decorate the patio this Sunday to show support for your team, contact Christen.