Hi Friend,
We’re moving to three services THIS Sunday!
– 8:30am (for the efficient, productive, morning people… and the guys who like to watch all their football in real-time)
– 10:00am (for the mid-morning-magic-hour types)
– 11:30am (for sleeping beauties or brunch before Bible saints)
Every service will be the same great experience, and we look forward to seeing you there. And a big THANK YOU to all of you who are stepping up in and serving at one or more of these services. You make a difference!
My Near Death Experiment
We’ll be starting a series this weekend based on a book I wrote called “My Near Death Experiment.” The idea is that life-change is better by design than disaster. I hope and pray this series will ignite something in you and encourage you to take a new step of faith in your life. I also hope that you will engage a friend, a family member, a neighbor, and your life group for the journey. We’ll give you everything you need. All I ask is that you extend the invitations.
The books will be on sale each Sunday for $10. (The publisher sells them to us at a discount for $9, but $10 is an easier cash transaction. The profit goes to our Outreach efforts in Huntington Beach.) PLEASE BRING CASH or check to speed up the purchase process on the patio. We’ll have card-swipers, but cash is fastest. Also, if you can buy books for yourself and others before the service it would help.
I want EVERYONE to have a book. If you can’t afford it, talk to Hilary, Christen, or Monica–we’ll get you a book.
Life Groups
We’re encouraging ALL life groups to go through the book and the discussion questions that we’ll provide each week. If you’ve already gone through Rooted and you’re not yet in a Life Group, we’re going to help you connect to a new life group. Email my cousin and pastor-in-training, Mike Myers.
Don’t forget to signup for Rooted right here. In fact, copy this link and send it out to others who need to be in Rooted this session!
Parents of Students
We are shifting to offer two special services for students: Junior High at 10am, Senior High at 11:30am. Both will meet in the Tabby Theater (signs and volunteers will lead the way). Both will mirror the adult service–in music and message–but with an approach to speak relevantly your students. We’re setting you up for lunch-time conversations with your kids. 
I totally support Jordan and his team in this transition and I believe it’s a great thing for the following reasons:
1. one service means more energy, enthusiasm, and momentum
2. we can meet the new kids who come with parents and slip out without connections
3. midweek meetings can shift to building deeper relationships and have real conversations
4. if a kid comes at a different time we have plans in place to get them serving–or they can always sit in the main theater
Change can be hard, but these changes are GOOD. Things are getting better and better around here.
See you Sunday!
If you missed either of the past three messages, click here.