All posts by Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb

In honor of Memorial Day, I want to ask you to join me in a prayer…

God, we remember the valiant soldiers who have paid the ultimate price in service of the freedom of our great nation. We pray for their families. We ask for comfort, peace, and a real sense of your presence. We beg for your leadership and guidance on behalf of our nation’s leaders as they make decisions that affect the lives of so many. We also remember those in Oklahoma who have suffered great loss. Only you bring beauty from ashes…hope from loss… joy from grief. Let it be so, in Jesus’ name.

If you’re not volunteering yet on Sundays, we’d love to have you join us this summer! Fill out the card, or email Christen:

Stay tuned for our Summer calendar…

And listen to past messages here.


A Note From Caleb

This one time, at band camp…I mean at volleyball camp…I got angry. I was upset because the coach had his favorites day one. They were players he already knew from his club team. And he gave them the best opportunities and all of his attention. It wasn’t fair. In my head I thought, “These kids aren’t as good as me. I’m working harder. I have more potential.”

But my frustration cost me. I began comparing myself and then looking for approval from coaches. The distraction caused me to get discouraged and eventually I lost enthusiasm and starting playing worse. What could have been a fun opportunity to play and grow became an experience that I hated.

I thought of that volleyball camp this morning while I was preparing the message for Sunday. Sunday I’m going to tell you why so many Christians are angry. You don’t want to miss this weekend.


P.S.: Stay up on recent messages here.

A Note From Caleb

Sunday is Mother’s Day! Make your plans now to have your mother, wife, or significant female in your life at one of our two services (9am and 11am). This is going to be a SPECIAL DAY in honor of the women we love.

In related news, I heard about this new Reality Show: “Moms.” In it, 8 married men are dropped off on an island…each man has 1 car and 4 children…each child plays two sports and takes music/dance lessons…the man must…

  • care for the 4 children
  • keep his assigned house cleaned
  • do the dishes
  • correct all the homework
  • complete the science projects
  • cook
  • do laundry
  • shave his legs
  • apply make-up daily while driving children to school
  • help in classes weekly
  • clean up after sick children (in the middle of the night)

Men have access to one shared television only after:

  • all the kids are put to bed
  • all the chores are done
  • and they don’t get the remote control

Weekly, the children vote men off the island based on their incompetence. The last man wins–only if he has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse on a moment’s notice. And when the last man wins, he can play the game over and over again for the next 18 years… eventually earning the right to be called MOM.


P.S.: Stay up on recent messages here.

A Note From Caleb

I love our church! Our Mariners community raised $800,000 to GIVE AWAY in our communities! A percentage of that goes to amazing ministries, projects, and opportunities right here in Huntington Beach. But we’re not only supporting activities with money, we’re taking action! Stay tuned for more opportunities to serve and play a role in loving our community and changing our city. (Or, bring additional ideas to us!)

By the way, it’s MAY. And it’s going to be another exciting month at Mariners HB.

Rumor: people that come to the 9am services are more productive and live longer.

Listen to and share past messages here.
